Fu J;Zhang Y;Wu R;.Shuganjieyu capsule increases neurotrophic factor expression in a rat model of depression.Neural Regen Res.2014.97-489Fu J, Zhang Y, Wu R, et al. Shuganjieyu capsule increases neurotrophic factor expression in a rat model of depression. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(5):489...
1) Shuganjieyu capsule 舒肝解郁胶囊 1. Randomized,double blind,placebo-controlled trial of Shuganjieyu capsule in the treatment of mild or moderate depression 舒肝解郁胶囊治疗轻中度抑郁症的随机双盲安慰剂对照研究 更多例句>> 2) Shuyu Capsules 舒郁胶囊 1. Validation Method Used for Microbial Li...
1.Randomized,double blind,placebo-controlled trial ofShuganjieyu capsulein the treatment of mild or moderate depression舒肝解郁胶囊治疗轻中度抑郁症的随机双盲安慰剂对照研究 英文短句/例句 1.Randomized,double blind,placebo-controlled trial of Shuganjieyu capsule in the treatment of mild or moderate depressi...
【KEY WORDS】Aged;Depression;Shugan-jieyu capsule;Sertraline 中国医药导刊 2014年 第 16 卷 第 6 期(总第128期) 1035 测定显示,均比治疗前得分显著下降,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01),两组组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表2。 表2 两组治疗前后HAMD总分评定比较 时间 HAMD总分 t值 P值 研究组 对...
论著 舒肝解郁胶囊联合手法复位治疗复发的良性阵发性 位置性眩的临床疗效观察 钟 明何兰英 成都市第二人民医院神经内科 四川 成都 610017) 摘要 目的 观察舒肝解郁胶囊联合手法复位与单纯手法复位在治疗复发的良性阵发性位置性眩晕疗效差异 方法 将复发的良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者 86 例随机分为治疗组 43 例和对照...
Key words: Shuganjieyu capsule Quadruple method Helicobacter pylori Gastric ulcer参考文献(共7条): 1 韦青金.四联疗法对Hp阳性胃溃疡患者的治疗作用及Hp清除效果观察[J].中国老年保健医学,2013,11(5):28-29. 2 许德饶.四联疗法对Hp阳性胃溃疡患者的治疗作用及Hp清除效果分析[J].中国社区医师,2014,12(23...
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and the side effects of Shugan Jieyu capsule and Seculin in the treatment of moderate depression.Methods 76 cases with CCMD-3 diagnostic criteria for patients with moderate depression,using randomized method,partial solution for the liver Yu capsule group...
Objective: To evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of the Shugan Jieyu capsule on COPD plus depression. Methods: 100 patients were divided into the Shugan Jieyu capsule group of 50 cases and the placebo group of 50 cases. The treatment lasted for 6 weeks. The clinical efficacy was evaluated ...
湖南中医药大学学报J ournal of TCM U ni v.of H unan2011年8月第3l 卷第8期Aug.201lv01.3l N o.8舒肝解郁胶囊与舍曲林治疗抑郁症的对照研究邱堂威.刘学文.朱怀轩( 重庆市精神病院,重庆400038)【摘要】目的探讨舒肝解郁胶囊与舍曲林治疗轻中度抑郁症的疗效和不良反应.方法将56例轻中度抑郁症患者随机分为舒肝...
Shugan Jieyu capsule effects on peripheral blood micro-124, micro- 132, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with mild to moderate depressionShugan Jieyu capsuleCoronary heart diseaseDEPRESSIONEscitalopram oxalate tabletMicro-124Micro-132...