OBJECTIVE To establish the quality standard of Shugan jianwei pill. METHODS Used TLC to identify Paeoniae Radix Alba( paeoniflorin),and examed the special properties and durability of the TLC methods; used ...
柴胡(醋制) 300g 青皮(醋炒) 200g 香橼 300g 陈皮500g 檀香 300g 豆蔻 300g 枳壳300g 鸡内金(炒) 500g 槟榔 500g 延胡索(醋炒)300g 五灵脂(醋制)300g 牵牛子(炒)300g 【制法】 以上十五味,粉碎成细粉,过筛,混匀,用水泛丸,干燥。每500g干丸用90g滑石粉、9g桃胶包衣,打光,即得。 【性状】 本品为...
1) Shuganjianwei Decoction 疏肝健胃方 1. Effect ofShuganjianwei Decoction(疏肝健胃方) on Murine Gastric Evacuation and Intestinal Propelling; 疏肝健胃方对小鼠胃排空、肠推进运动的影响 2) Shuganheweifang 疏肝和胃方 1. Clinical and Experimental Study onShuganheweifangin Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis of...
1) Shuganjianwei pill 舒肝健胃丸 1. The clinical observation ofShuganjianwei pilland western medicine in treating bile reflux gastritis 舒肝健胃丸联合多潘立酮及法莫替丁治疗胆汁返流性胃炎疗效观察 更多例句>> 2) pill for soothing the liver and regulating the stomach ...
1)Shuganjianwei pill舒肝健胃丸 1.The clinical observation ofShuganjianwei pilland western medicine in treating bile reflux gastritis舒肝健胃丸联合多潘立酮及法莫替丁治疗胆汁返流性胃炎疗效观察 英文短句/例句 1.The clinical observation of Shuganjianwei pill and western medicine in treating bile reflux gas...