We propose DUMP (DUMmy-Point-based), a framework for privacy-preserving histogram estimation in the shuffle model. The core of DUMP is a new concept of dummy blanket, which enables enhancing privacy by just introducing dummy points on the user side and further improving the utility of the ...
Although the new nano,built around a 1.7-inch display, is expected to sport similar dimensions to the second-generation clip-on iPod shuffle, people familiar with Apple's plans say the company will continue to market its button-less iPod shuffle as an entry-level player. In ...
Randomly Shuffle Code Points in Each String
Tiger holds cards after points shuffleLen Ziehm
Mathematics On top to random shufflesno feedback card guessingand fixed points of permutations UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Jason Fulman PehlivanLernaWe study two problems related to top to random shuffling. First, we show that for an (ln()) top to random shuffled deck, there exists a ...
A compositional shuffle conjecture specifying touch points of the Dyck pathMathematics - CombinatoricsWe introduce a $q,t$-enumeration of Dyck paths which are forced to touch the\nmain diagonal at specific points and forbidden to touch elsewhere and\nconjecture that it describes the action of the ...
Zabrocki, A compositional shuffle conjecture specifying touch points of the Dyck path, Canad. J. Math. 64 (2012), no. 4, 822-844. MR2957232J. Haglund, J. Morse, and M. Zabrocki. "A compositional shuffle conjecture specifying touch points of the Dyck path". In: Canad. J. Math. 64 ...