5Bai Shufang works at a vitiligo (白癜风) hospital in Beijing.People well know her not for her medical skill but for her special dress. In order to make her patients feel more relaxed before her,she has been dressing up as a traditional opera character. In the 30 years of her work,she...
题目 Bai Shufang works at a vitiligo(白癜风) hospital in Beijing. Peoplewell know her not for her medical skill but for her special dress.In order to make her patients feel more relaxed, she dresses up as atraditional opera character.Over 30 years of her medical work, she found that her ...
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Bai Shufang works at a vitiligo (白癜风) hospital in Beijing. People well know her not for her medical skill but for her special dress. In order to make her patients feel more relaxed before her, she has been dressing up as a traditional opera character. In the 30 years of her work, ...
1Bai Shufang is a doctor at a vitiligo(白癜风) hospita in Beijing. _1_ But people know her not for her skill butfor herspecial dress.In the early years of her work, she found that her patients had trouble opening up to herabout their condition.2 They didnt feel relaxed before her.As...
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