The amazing shrub for winter interest looks spectacular when it sheds all the leaves in the fall. Before falling, the foliage leaves us amazed with a glorious autumn shade. 12. Honeysuckle ‘Winter Beauty’ Botanical Name:Lonicera x purpusi USDA Zones:5-9 It’s a ...
When winter sets in, it’s easy to feel like your garden is in hibernation mode—bare, lifeless, and gray. But with the right planning, your landscape can have winter interest filled with texture and color, even in the coldest months. By pairing trees, shrubs, and perennials, you’ll cr...
There is no need - there is a huge choice of shrubs out there that thrive in full or partial shade, and with a little bit of considered planting, you can add color and interest to those areas that had been relegated to storage. Working with shifting levels of light and shade is somet...
We can choose trees and shrubs that will create winter interest. My Life With Hydrangeas Post published:08/03/2018 Post comments:4 Comments As long ago as 1945 I had an opinion about hydrangeas. In 1945 I was five years old and living with my parents, and my two younger brothers, ...
Posted in Fall Color, native plants, Shade Shrubs, shade vines, winter interest with tags 'Betty Cummins' swamp azalea, 'Ellen Huff' oakleaf hydrangea, 'Jet Trail' flowering quince, 'Margarita' Carolina jessamine, 'Wintergreen' little leaf boxwood, Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Wintergreen', ...
With their colorful leaves and red berries, viburnum offer plenty of fall and winter interest, too. Growing Water with a soaking once weekly if rainfall is less than 1 inch. Once established, mulch with 4 to 6 inches of pine straw or 2 to 3 inches of bark. ...
Shrubs play many roles in the garden. Whether you want to maintain structure, provide winter interest, bring color in spring and summer, brighten your garden with fall colors, or create privacy, there’s a shrub that can do the job. ...
With their lovely foliage, flowers, and textures, shrubs can add visual interest to your landscape. But their lifespan depends on how well you maintain them and prevent stressors, which can be challenging. If shrub care seems too much work, contact alocal gardening profor that magic touch. ...
Breathe life into the winter garden with a diverse palette of shrubs that show off in the cold season. With vibrant fruits, foliage, forms, and fragrances, they continue the display in an otherwise quiet landscape. Enjoy the multiseason interest these top performers (including natives and their...
of functional contributions, those with intoxicating fragrances add an additional sensory component and dimension to the garden. Ideally, these shrubs also provide other seasons of interest and ornamental contributions with colorful fruiting, fall color, wildlife value, or perhaps extended winter interest....