The carnauba palm and the candelilla shrub are interesting plants that produce a useful wax. Many people are exposed to the wax via products that they buy.
While it’s always good practice to clean your garden tools, you should go one step further with pruning tools and sanitize them. If there’s a chance that you’ll be pruning diseased plants, sanitizing your tools will prevent the spread of disease to healthy plants. Generally, your tools ...
Good examples are our selection of Elderberry (Sambucus) with colored leaves. Hard spring pruning makes plants like that much more effective and colorful. The same is true with Dogwoods, which can be cut almost to the ground every 2 or 3 years, so that they produce long, brightly-colored ...
That it is perfectly hardy in England and Ireland recently-conducted experiments conclusively prove, as plants have stood unprotected through the past unusually severe winters with which this country has been visited. When in full bloom the pure-white flowers, resembling those of the Japanese Anemone...
plants with shallow roots have a higher chance of developing root rot if planted in areas that are prone to flooding or standing water. They are also vulnerable to unseasonal freezes. Finally, such shrubs may suffer damage to their roots by gardening tools or by other plants that encroach on...
Saxifragaceae, the saxifrage family of flowering plants (order Rosales), comprising 36 genera and about 600 species of mostly perennial herbaceous plants. The members are cosmopolitan in distribution but native primarily to northern cold and temperate re