Carolyn’s Shade Gardens is a retail nursery in Bryn Mawr, PA, U.S., zone 6b/7a. If you are interested in shopping here, send us an email with your full name, mailing address, and cell number to and indicate if you are interested in hellebores/hostas ...
Once I began to notice the protective effect of thicketing raspberries, I started seeing other plants providing structural refuge to trees too: A tiny sweet gum hiding under the broomsedge grasses. An oak tree sprouting near the center of a spectacular pokeweed. Staghorn sumacs wedging themselves...
This past weekend my friendly rhododendron specialists took me shopping at the Windy Hill Nursery in Great Barrington. We bought three cultivars: Janet Blair a beautiful pale pink with a golden flare in the center, Wojnar's Purple and Francesca, a red. The photos of Janet Blair and Wojner'...
Last weekend during our fruitful trip to LA, we took a trip to Sawtelle Boulevard landmark Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery, where we picked up a potted Mimosa pudica, a scraggly plant with a huge talent, for $3.99. Its common names include sensitive plant, touch-me-not plant and... ...
Transplanting nursery-bought lilacs is also easy. If it’s container-grown, spread out the roots as you settle the plant into the ground; if it’s balled or burlapped, gently remove the covering and any rope before planting. Set the plant 2 or 3 inches deeper than it grew in the nurse...
Ken: Well, or maybe you make a splinter nursery or something, which I do. If something takes three years to become a 4-foot shrub or a 3-foot shrub, it always seems like, “Oh my gosh, that’s so long.” But think of all the things we’ve planted that we thought we’d never...
For bigleaf hydrangeas, in summer, dig a trench next to the plant, near a branch that easily reaches beyond the trench. Where the branch contacts the soil, remove an inch of the outer bark all around it. Bury the bared portion, pinning it with a florist’s pin or a gentle weight, ...
The "Buffer in a Bag" Program from the New York DEC The "Buffer in a Bag" program is now open for 2023, and New Yorkers can apply until April 7th at 3pm or until the seedling supply (provided by theColonel William F. Fox Saratoga Memorial Tree Nursery) is exhausted. Helping create ...
I have a city green space behind my new house that is a nursery and day care for the resident does. The fawns will chew on things that are “deer resistant” and then spit it out. They will chew newly planted azaleas to the ground but leave the old ones that came with the house ...
hello, i got an hydrangea that was wrapped in paper from an walmart nursery for 1$ was marked down and sitting in water in the paper and the water smelled acidic but it was old and something white was all over the base of the plant the roots were sticking out. transplanted it into ...