And I think in the article you mentioned that I had seen it near my house—I think it’s natural—growing naturally as a hedge. Margaret: So like a row of them. Marc: Yeah. Margaret: Yeah. Not a strictly pruned hedge like a… Marc: No. Right. Margaret: ...not like boxwood. But...
Look for the second round of blooms in late summer. Enjoy on the patio. Enjoy in the house. Enjoy in the landscape. Mother’s Day hydrangeas are a great opportunity for you to connect with your customers. They’re also a good starting point for a complete Mother’s Day package: plant,...
For some classic, traditional blooms, you can't get much better than long lasting and low maintenance camellias as shrubs for shade – which we think are among the best shrubs for the front of the house. 'One of my favorites is Camellia sasanqua. I find this fall flowering camellia so mu...
Sometimes, in the case of large trees, there is no option except for getting out the chain saw. If the diameter of the cuts is very large and a pruning saw or normal hand saw won’t do the job, then a chain saw might be needed. Chainsaws come in both gas and electric models. G...
Once spring/summer arrive, we can take the fencing down, as they tend to remain in the woods where there is natural food and stay away from our house. May 27, 2019 by Myrna Ritter The only thing the deer do not bother is ornamental grass at any stage of growth. Any small tree, ...
If you see a small hole near the base of the dying/wilted area you have a borer. Clip the stem off below the hole and throw it in the garbage – not in the compost or woods next to your house. If you have a dark, sunken area that can be a sign of a fungal problem. Again, ...