Whether you are looking for foundation plants for the front of your house, need to plant a hedge for privacy or just want to improve the look of your garden beds, these evergreen shrubs for full sun will make a great addition to your yard. Planting evergreens in your garden is one of ...
The lower-growing spreading kinds are just as tough but they do not like to be grown in wet soils. As for the sun, every variety of Euonymus will do well in full sun. The Burning Bush types will grow in shade, but their fall color will be reduced. The spreading Euonymus will grow ...
Easy-to-care-for loropetalum, also known as Chinese fringe flower, is a showy, evergreen shrub covered in fragrant flowers in spring. Its foliage, which changes from shades of red to deep green, provides season-long interest. Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade in moist, well-drain...
before winter has finished. Producing blooms that flower in pure white or flower in different shades of pink and red. FloweringAzaelaslike the Encore Azalea series will flower throughout Spring, Summer, and well into the fall as well, making them another great choice for plants and shrub ...
As a general rule, full sun will produce the best blooms, berries and fall color. Some will do just as well in partial shade, especially some of the thicker-leaved varieties, but keep an eye out for black spot and other foliar diseases. They like to keep their foliage dry, so avoid ...
Excellent as a specimen, Seven-Son Flower thrives in most garden soil types. Blooms September–October Size: 10' 0" – 20' 0" high x 16' 0" wide. Hardy to zone 5.Hydrangea Climbing Hydrangea The name Hydrangea, means “water vessel,” given for its cup-shaped seed capsules. A genus...
When you’re planning a garden, bushes are the plants that add form and structure to your flower beds. With their branches and size, they make great foundation plants, provide the backbone of garden beds and can create a privacy screen or hedge for your yard. MY LATEST VIDEOS If you want...
Pretty pansies provide bright spots of color for beds and container gardens, blooming in late fall and early spring in colder climates, and through winter in mild locations. Try them mixed with Iceland poppies (Papaver nudicaule), cyclamen or covering pots of bulbs planted in fall. If you live...
These flowers only stay white for two to three weeks, then they turn green and eventually brown, but when grown in full sun, or where they get hot mid-day or afternoon sun, they will go by even faster. So water deeply less often and if the plants are in the hot sun you might ...
Coral bells (Heuchera spp.) is a perennial grown more for its colorful foliage than for its flowers. These plants feature mounding foliage about 15 inches tall in colors that include red, purple, pink, lime, orange, yellow, and bronze. Slender flower stalks produce wispy-looking pink...