明确丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)侵染率对喀斯特坡地坡位与物种的响应及其关键影响因子,是合理利用土壤AMF促进喀斯特植被恢复的前提。该研究在充分调查喀斯特峰丛洼地典型灌丛坡地环境背景信息的基础上,采用曲利苯蓝染色-镜检法检测并计算典型灌木黄荆(Vitex negundo)、红背山麻杆(Alchornea trewioides)...
The main vegetation type is alpine shrub-meadow with two-layer structure, Potentilla fruticosa as the dominant species in the upper layer and an herbaceous layer dominated by Korbresia humilis in the lower layer. The study area is used as a summer pasture by herders and is grazed from early ...
Transpiration of the herbaceous layer was not considered due to its low productivity. Sapwood per ground area was determined for Q. suber by measuring the DBH of all trees included in two circular plots with a radius of 14 m established randomly in each paired stands. For C. ladanifer ...
There were significant differences in absolute biomass among the three communities, but the ratio of dead biomass to total biomass was consistently 1:4, indicating the constant turnover rate of plant biomass for nutrient cycling. In each community shrubs accounted for the most biomass. Herbaceous ...
(Ward et al.2013). This resource partitioning between herbaceous and woody plant community constituents may be achieved early in the life cycle of woody plants (Brown and Archer1989; Weltzin and McPherson1997). The primary determinates of increased woody cover in grasslands are debated, but are...
Stoichiometry Patterns of Plant Organ N and P in Coastal Herbaceous Wetlands along the East China Sea: Implications for Biogeochemical Niche. Plant Soil 2018, 431, 273–288. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Huang, D.; Wang, D.; Ren, Y. Using Leaf Nutrient Stoichiometry as an Indicator of ...
Stoichiometry Patterns of Plant Organ N and P in Coastal Herbaceous Wetlands along the East China Sea: Implications for Biogeochemical Niche. Plant Soil 2018, 431, 273–288. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Huang, D.; Wang, D.; Ren, Y. Using Leaf Nutrient Stoichiometry as an Indicator of ...
The area has a predominance of swamp with herbaceous vegetation (grasses and ferns) and areas in the early stages of regeneration (secondary succession) with shrubs plants (e.g., Miconia sp. (Melastomataceae) and Ludwigia spp.) sparsely distributed (Figure 1). Previously, this area, which ...
In contrast, under long-term grazing (as in the situation in this study), herbaceous plant populations would decline substantially, and livestock would mainly feed on less palatable Caragana shrubs, which would negatively affect the growth and reproduction of shrubs. 4.3. Interactive Effects between ...
Understanding the effects of precipitation variations on plant biochemical and functional traits is crucial to predict plant adaptation to future climate changes. The dominant species,Stipa glareosa, plays an important role in maintaining the structure and function of plant communities in the desert stepp...