Oracle strongly recommends SecureFiles for storing and managing LOBs.The Oracle Database SecureFiles Shrink feature provides manual, and automatic methods to free the unused space in SecureFiles LOB segments and release the space back to the containing tablespace. ...
dbms_output.put_line('Tablespace: '||c_file.tablespace_name||' Datafile: '||c_file.file_name); dbms_output.put_line('current size: '||(c_file.blocks*c_file.block_size)/1024||'K'||' can be resized to: '||round((file_min_block*c_file.block_size)/1024)||'K (reduction of:...
Shrink TEMP Tablespace using alter tablespace commandSQL> ALTER TABLESPACE temp SHRINK SPACE KEEP 50M;.Shrink TEMPFILE using alter tablespace commandSQL> ALTER TABLESPACE temp SHRINK TEMPFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TEST11G/temp01.dbf' KEEP 40M;Shrink TEMP Tablespace to the smallest possible size...
SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs2; Tablespace created. 4.切换UNDO表空间为新的UNDO表空间 SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs2 scope=both; System altered. 此处使用spfile需要注意,以前曾经记录过这样一个案例:Oracle诊断案例-Spfile案例一则 5.等待原UNDO表空间所有UNDO SEGMENT OFFLINE SQL> s...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. Goal Resize the TEMPFILE(s) for a temporary tablespace after they have grown larger than needed ...
数据库:oracle 1、move表 LEO@orcl150> create table obj_move tablespace users as select * from all_objects where rownum<20000; Table created. LEO@orcl150> select value 2 from v$mystat m, v$statname s 3 where m.statistic# = s.statistic# ...
SQL> alter tablespace temp shrink space keep 100m; The keep clause lets you specify the minimum value for the temporary tablespace named TEMP. The following examples illustrate how Oracle approaches a temporary tablespace shrinking operation. In this example, the temporary tablespace TEMP has two tem...
In earlier releases of Oracle Database, the shrink DDL (i.e. ALTER TABLE … SHRINK SPACE) did not support SecureFiles LOB segments. To release free space in SecureFiles LOB segments to the tablespace, an organization needed to either recreate the segment or run ‘ALTER TABLE … MO...
SQL> alter tablespace temp shrink space keep 1000m; Tablespace altered. Because the combined size of the two tempfiles in the TEMP tablespace is 2 GB, you’d assume that Oracle would shrink both tempfiles to about 500 MB each, to get a total of 1 GB, when you issue the alter tablespa...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.GoalDiscussion of ways to optimize space in a database:Q1. How to minimize the tablespace usage for a read-only database?Q2. Is it recommended to perform shrink space ...