The Blue Velvet Shrimp have gained popularity thanks to their large appetite for all kinds of freshwater algae. These highly adaptable shrimp do well in any freshwater aquarium with good filtration and water quality. However, Blue Velvet Shrimp will thrive in planted aquariums where food and shelter...
Your one-stop shop for all your freshwater aquarium needs! Our focus is on providing high-quality live shrimp, fish, crayfish, snails, and plants to help you create the perfect aquarium for your aquatic pets. If you're a fan of freshwater shrimp, you'l
Amano Shrimpcare is not demandingsince they are hardy and adaptable. However, it is vital to add these beautiful little creatures to mature tanks. They will flourish in a well-established freshwater aquarium with plants and the algae growth necessary for their well-being. We suggest you keep Am...
Freshwater shrimp, with their vibrant colors and graceful movements, can add a captivating touch to any aquarium. However, caring for these delicate creatures demands meticulous attention to detail. From maintaining optimal water parameters to providing a nutritious diet and understanding their unique bre...
Dive in for a natural solution! View Post link to Start Your Aquarium Adventure: Freshwater Basics Start Your Aquarium Adventure: Freshwater Basics You might think setting up a freshwater aquarium is too complex, but you're more than capable of mastering the basics. If you venture into the ...
These shrimp hybrids aren’t as common as individual species of freshwater shrimp, but their unique appearance makes them an attractive addition to the home aquarium. Crystal Red (Bee) Shrimp Care level: Temperament: Color: Lifespan: Size: Intermediate Peaceful Red and white 1.5–2 years 1.2 in...
As to freshwater shrimp, nearly 28% of the world’s species are threatened with extinction. This situation results from habitat degrdation and destruction. For example, many species of shrimp prefer wetlands as a habitat, but wetlands are rapidly disappearing. Shrimp that live in caves are vulner...
For freshwater aquarists, the genus Palaeomonetes would be familiar. Palaeomonetes shrimp are commonly referred to as either ghost, grass, or glass shrimps. Generally considered live bait foods, these shrimps/prawn10 make an interesting and useful addition to the home aquarium. ...
It is very easy to create suitable hiding places for most freshwater shrimp by putting flowerpots upside down on the bottom of the aquarium. Choose a flower pot with bottom holes of suitable size for your shrimps. Didn't find the info you were looking for?Register for freeand ask your que...
AtShrimpy Business, thebest freshwater fish store, we’re passionate hobbyists that want to help you bring your shrimp and nano aquarium visions to life. We’re a one-stop shop for everything you need to keep your aquarium lively and looking great. ...