曼谷什鲁斯伯里国际学校Shrewsbury International School Bangkok是一所男女混合走读制私立国际学校,招收3-18周岁学生。学校是英国九大公学之一Shrewsbury High School的唯一一所海外分校,学术成绩优异,同时音乐和体育方面也表现突 学校成立于2003年,坐落在曼谷Bang Kho Laem 地区,目前主要有两个校区CITY CAMPUS、RIVERSIDE,...
Bangkok, Thailand Shrewsbury International School renovated a multi-purpose study area to enhance students’ collaboration and activities. dwp created enticing group-working zones, individual study pods, relaxation and casual meeting areas with a warm, soft palette, clean lines and varied seating for ...
This is an excellent opportunity for a graduate interested in child development and education to join and experience work in a world-class Primary school team, contributing to the support of children whose home language is Mandarin. A package of inter...
学校全名:Shrewsbury International School(什鲁斯伯里国际学校) 提到Shrewsbury,最著名的头衔就是传统英国九大公学之一。九大公学(origin 9), 是英国本地人对英国9所最优秀、最古老的公学的尊称。他们分别是伊顿公学Eton College、切特豪斯公学charterhouse、哈罗公学Harrow School、温切斯特公学Winchester College、威斯敏斯特...
Shrewsbury International School Bangkok作为一所英式国际学校,采取“阶段式”的课程设置,City Campus和Riverside Campus两个校区采取不同的教育模式,培养学生的创新思维能力,相互学习,共同发展。 除了学术能力的培养,学校还注重提高学生体育技巧,领导力,艺术素养,团队协作等多方面的能力。
Shrewsbury Guangzhou will join the proven track record of educational excellence represented by Shrewsbury School in the UK, founded in 1552, and within Shrewsbury International Asia (SIA) by Shrewsbury International School Bangkok (2003) and Shrewsbury ...
4 Teams v International School Bangkok Golf Golf Excellence v FOBISIA Golf hosted by WCB Netball Mixed-U9 Gold v Shrewsbury International School, City Campus 11 Mar 2025 Football Boys-U15 Gold v International Community School Bangkok Golf
如今Shrewsbury国际学校来到亚洲,来到泰国地区,并且现已拥有两所分校:Shrewsbury曼谷国际学校河畔校区和城市校区。他们继承Shrewsbury School的百年历史,专注于从幼儿园到高中全年龄段的精英教育,为每一位学生都提供丰富多彩的学习和实践机会,帮助他们个人成长、实现人生目标和以及达到更加高标准的成就。
Shrewsbury 建分校了, 分校今年八月就正式投入使用。 就目前了解的信息来看, City Campus 真的很让人心动。 学校的教学质量自不必说, 教学体系与师资和老校区一脉相承, 有老校区校长及其管理团队倾巢入驻。 更让人兴奋的是, City Campus 校区仅教学至小学毕业。
曼谷河畔什鲁斯伯里国际学校(Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside) 学校概况 曼谷什鲁斯伯里国际学校是一所面向3-18岁男孩和女孩的国际日制学校,位于曼谷市中心一个充满灵感的河边环境。 Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside is an international day school for boys and girls aged 3-18 ...