A woman regarded as disreputable orshrewish. 被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人。 4. I got the experience is: a child custodyshrewishlittle better! 我得到的经验是:孩子泼辣点儿养比较好! 5. Would he leave hisshrewishwife, sell the Two Lions and live like a king?
为了供着他那刁泼的妻子齐拉,他改行做了沥青房顶生意. 来自辞典例句 4. The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife. 老渔夫被他那厉害的老婆骂了一痛. 来自互联网 5. A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish. 被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人. 来自互联网Copyright...
Of or pertaining to a shrew, a nagging, ill-tempered woman. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 泼辣 CC-CEDICT 潑辣 adjective CC-CEDICT 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ shrewish "自动翻译成 中文 ⁇ 的 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 类似于 "shrewish" 的短语,可翻译成 中文...
The old fisherman was cursed by hisshrewishwife. 老渔夫被他那厉害的老婆骂了一痛. 期刊摘选 A woman regarded as disreputable orshrewish. 被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人. 期刊摘选 英英释义 Adjective 1. continually complaining or faultfinding; "ashrewishwife" "nagging parents"...
Part of Speech (形) adjective Matching Results 泼辣 pōla shrewish; pungent; forceful; bold and vigorous 凶悍 xiōnghàn violent; fierce and tough; shrewish (woman) New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits🗞...
2.You are a very lovely woman,shrewishtongue not withstanding. 你是一位非常美丽的女人 尽管长了条毒舌 3.Is fierce andshrewisha harridan has ever scolded a boy. 真是个凶神恶煞的老妇人 对孩子很严厉 4.Eleanor has her looks, but also her charactershrewishand spiteful. ...
读音:英['ʃruːɪʃ] 美['ʃruɪʃ] shrewish 基本解释 a. 泼妇一样的, 脾气暴躁的 shrewish 网络释义 adj. 泼妇一样的;爱骂街的;脾气暴躁的 shrewish 用法和例句 1、What ashrewishgirl! 多厉害的女孩啊! 2、A woman regarded as disreputable orshrewish. ...
shrewishadjinformal, pejorative(woman: tending to nag)SCSimplified Chinese泼辣的 TCTraditional Chinese潑辣的 SCSimplified Chinese泼妇似的 Samuel's wife is shrewish; she is always telling him what to do. 同义词:evil-tempered,petulant,peevish,irritable,nagging,更多…… ...