How is the word shrewd used in a sentence? Shrewd sentence example. Julie gave Adrienne a shrewd look.He is a very shrewd and garrulous fellow.It is a shrewd criticism, but needs arguing out. What is a shrewd woman? adjective. A shrewd person isable to understand and judge a situation ...
Examples ofshrewdin a Sentence According to Frank Luntz, Republican pollster and spinmeister, these younger working women with small children are critical swing voters. By dint of focus groups andshrewdprofessional questioning, Luntz has determined what these women need most—more time in their lives...
having or showing astute or sharp judgment in practical matters, sometimes at the cost of moral compromise: a shrewd businessman. Synonyms:intelligent,discriminating,keen,sagacious,perspicacious,perceptive,discerning,quick cunning or tricky;artful. ...
The meaning of SHREWD is marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen. How to use shrewd in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Shrewd.
Bilingual education: story is taught in both Chinese and English . Exquisite pictures: the pictures are colourfule, cartoon-like, and easy to understand and remember. Interactive exercises: there are many interactive activities such as new words cards, repeat after me and sentence making ,it is ...
Question: What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classification of S versus N stand for? A) sensing/intuitive B) social/perceiving C) stable/negligent D) sympathetic/thinking E) shrewd/feeling !Myers-...
Bilingual education: story is taught in both Chinese and English . Exquisite pictures: the pictures are colourfule, cartoon-like, and easy to understand and remember. Interactive exercises: there are many interactive activities such as new words cards, repeat after me and sentence making ,it is ...
The meaning of SHREWD is marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen. How to use shrewd in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Shrewd.
Bilingual education: story is taught in both Chinese and English . Exquisite pictures: the pictures are colourfule, cartoon-like, and easy to understand and remember. Interactive exercises: there are many interactive activities such as new words cards, repeat after me and sentence making ,it is ...