Shrew -Chinese hamster and shrew-mouse somatic cell hybrid cells were constructed. When the 119 shrew-rodent clones were characterized, only shrew chromosomes were found to have segregated. A panel of hybrid clones was selected for gene assignment. The genes for hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase...
The NCBI genome annotation pipeline identified 39,091 genes, 19,819 of them protein-coding. We also identified segmental duplications, inferred GO term annotations, and computed orthologs of human and mouse genes. This reference-quality genome will be an important resource for research on mammalian ...
draco South China field mouse txid129247 0/11 (0) Menghai (2016), Yuanmou (2016) latronum Sichuan field mouse txid214933 0/40 (0) Ruili (2017), Deqin (2018), Jinghong (2018), Yongshan (2018) sylvaticus European woodmouse txid10129 0/10 (0) Jinghong (2018) Bandicota bengalensis less...
suggesting a closer affinity of tree shrew with mouse or rabbits. However, this placement was insufficiently supported thus even unresolved. Genome sequencing of the Chinese tree shrew and comparison with 14 other species, including 6 primate species, on the basis of 2,117 single-copy genes showed...
Atlas of the Striatum and Globus Pallidus in the Tree Shrew: Comparison with Rat and Mouse The striatum and globus pallidus are principal nuclei of the basal ganglia. Nissl-and acetylcholinesterasestained sections of the tree shrew brain showed t... RJ Ni,ZH Huang,YM Shu,... - 《Neuroscience...
The Philippines teems with biodiversity: 657 bird species roam and fly throughout the country's 7,641 islands, and over 2,000 fish species swim in the surrounding seas. But beyond these beaked and scaly creatures, the Philippines is also home to the worl
In insectivores,placentationfollows a pattern similar to that for rodents and in common with rodents GMG cells are numerous in thedeciduabasalis. A metrial gland containing GMG cells also develops during the latter half of pregnancy in a similar fashion to that for rodent species such asmouseand...
a Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, Gower Street,London The aim of this study was to characterise the primary amino acid sequence of designedto conserved regions of the human, mouse and rat pancreatic polypeptide genes (5 SuncusPancreatic...
Additional orthologous genes among other species, including human, chimpanzee, gorilla, rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, rabbit, dog and cow, were identified using the Ensembl ortholog_one2one gene database (version 64)15 for each pair of genomes. Due to algorithm limitations in the gene prediction ...
We used the same pipeline and parameters to re-run the repeat annotation in human, mouse, rat and dog genomes, which were downloaded from Ensembl (release 60). To predict genes in the tree shrew genome, we used both homology-based and de novo methods. For the homology-based prediction, ...