Girl: Quit it. Don’t push. [The 2 bears sit around the fire, the pied piper is playing his pipe and the rats are all running to him, some elves are directing flight traffic so that the fairies and witches can land…etc.] Shrek: WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?! [Echoing] Sw...
that aged well, with the movie still looking well to this day, makes it great. (IMDb). The family friendly jokes still can make children laugh, and adults can find a few jokes hidden in the movie that the kids don’t understand. The movie is a wonderful tale about an ogre finding ...
Since Donkey likes to sing he should form a band like the Musicians of Bremen with a Dog, a Rooster, and a Cat (preferably a Girl Cat). Johnnyngo1995·3/28/2021 Say what you will about him he may be an annoying friend and sidekick but despite that he's also a good friend and ...
DONKEY Ah, that’s my special boy. Oh, come over here, all of you. Give your brother a big hug. The baby Dronkeys fly around their old brother. The Dronkey that Fiona is holding flies off to join Donkey and the others. Fiona nervously takes in a breath. FIONA Shrek, maybe ...
it was clearly made as much for adults as for children. Fairy tales are usually stories for kids that involve fantastic forces and beings such as fairies (tiny little people), wizards (strange men with magical powers) and goblins (evil spirits). Like this movie, they also often involve a ...
I’m not a puppet. I’m a real boy. Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. Father, please! Don’t let them do this! Help me! Next. What have you got? Well, I’ve got a talking donkey. [Grunts] Right. Well, that’s good for ten shillings, if you can prove...