由Hasbro、IDW、Nickelodeon、BOOM! Studios 多方攜手,讓《金剛戰士》、《忍者龜》兩大 IP 攜手共演的漫畫作品《MMPP – TMNT》,敘述五位金剛戰士攜手神龜四兄弟,共同對抗大反派「許瑞德」,以及找出「大明」背叛的原因;而在漫畫的第二期最後,許瑞德甚至化身為綠衣戰士!獲得更強力量的他已經準備好對金剛戰士、忍者龜們...
在推出神龜四兄弟:拉斐爾、多納太羅、米開朗基羅、李奧納多之後,擅長以大比例雕像展現角色魅力的美系造型廠牌 Premium Collectibles Studio(PCS)下一款《忍者龜》主題 1/4 比例全身雕像是他,忍者龜們的宿敵「許瑞德」(Shredder)登場! 本作高約 55.8 公分,再現了動畫中許瑞德的經典造型,和風的頭盔、佈滿尖刺的裝甲、爪...
● Récupérez des cristaux pour voyager entre les dimensions qui rendent hommage aux différentes époques de TMNT. ● Incarnez de nouveaux personnages : combattez avec Usagi et Karai dans les modes Histoire, Arcade et Survie ! ● Une nouvelle bande-son incroyable de...
中文名: 忍者神龟 - 施莱德回归 别名: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of the Shredder (JP), Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (EU) 中文别名: 忍者神龟 - 大战超能石 开发商:Konami 发行商:Konami(JP/US/EU),Tec Toy(BR) 游戏平台:Genesis 发行于日本: December 22,19...
发行商: Konami (JP/US/EU), Tec Toy (BR)游戏平台: Genesis发行于日本: December 22,1992发行于美国: December 11,1992发行于欧洲: April 1993发行于巴西: 1993 本游戏有隐藏的选关功能. 本游戏有区域差别. 待办:Compare title screens between regions:[1] 创世纪上的一款“海龟时光”式的TMNT游戏,实际...
TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is a perfect return to form for the Turtles. It brings the IP back to its best genre, the side-scrolling beat 'em up. Shredder's Revenge is love letter that original Turtles era, and revels in nostalgia, while still delivering a fantastically fun ride that looks...
Interacting with other TMNT fans 3.4% Playing TMNT games 7.5% Total Votes: 506 Connect Quotes Shredder:"It's alive! It's aliiiive!" (fromShredder is Splintered) Krang:"Oh, I promise... Now get me out of here, you tin-faced moron!" (fromBeware the Lotus) ...
Final DLC introduces two new playable characters – Mona Lisa and Mondo Gecko. Eric Lafontaine Marketing Manager, Tribute Games Exciting news for TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge fans! The Radical Reptiles DLC introduces two new characters: Mona Lisa and Mondo Gecko. Mona Lisa, a once-human scientis...
I don't have the arcade nostalgia but I used to play TMNT on NES when I grew up with a friend many years ago. I really loved the CO-OP. It's not a mind blowing experience, but playing together was a blast. Never played Turtles in Time but I've heard its a classic. So this ...
● Superbes graphismes pixel-art aux couleurs chatoyantes ● Jouabilité old-school sublimée par des mécaniques novatrices ● Jusqu’à 6 joueurs simultanément ● Incarnez des personnages emblématiques de TMNT et pilotez des véhicules avec diverses options de gameplay ...