The meaning of ETAOIN SHRDLU is a combination of letters set by running a finger down the first and then the second left-hand vertical banks of six keys of a Linotype machine to produce a temporary marking slug not intended to appear in the final printin
原始字母打字机键盘的遗迹留存在第二排字母键上:FGH-JKL。法国标准为 AZERTY; 德国标准为 QWERTZ; 意大利标准为 QZERTY。参见 etaoin shrdlu。 广告etaoin shrdlu 的使用趋势 广告仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of etaoin shrdlu ...
about linguistically based knowledge, that 'There is no self-contained set of "primitives" from which everything else can be defined. Definitions are circular, with the meaning of each concept depending on the other concepts.' 2 (Every text has — and itself already is — an intertext.) Li...
narrative organizes not just memory, but the whole of human experience - not just the life stories of the past, but all of one’s life as it unfolds... narrative is an instrument of mind that constructs our notion of reality ... the experience of life takes on meaning when we interact...