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Hanker AB, Brewer MR, Sheehan JH, Koch JP, Sliwoski GR, Nagy R, et al. An acquired HER2 T798I gatekeeper mutation induces resistance to Neratinib in a patient with HER2 mutant–driven breast cancer. Cancer Discov. 2017;7:575–85. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ritter CA, ...
Shp2 is a cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatase that is essential for normal development. Activating and inactivating mutations have been identified in humans to cause the related Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes, respectively. The cell biological cause o
(Fujisawa,日本,JP;血小板因子4(RepliGen,美国, EP 407122);血管内皮生长因子拮抗剂(Borean,丹麦);贝伐单抗(pINN)(Genentech,美 国);血管发生抑制剂(SUGEN,美国);XL 784(Exelixis,美国);XL 647(Exelixis,美国);第 二代MAbα5β3整联蛋白(Applied Molecular Evolution,美国和MedImmune,美国);盐酸恩 扎妥林(...
Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight.只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞。配慎清And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds.昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tow'r.只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下。The moping owl does to the moon complain.一只阴郁的鸱枭向月亮诉苦。Of...
Schneider XB6EAV5JPSchneider XB6EAV6BPSchneider XB6EAV6JPSchneider XB6EAW1B1PSchneider XB6EAW3B1PSchneider XB6EAW3B2PSchneider XB6EAW3J2PSchneider XB6EAW4B1PSchneider XB6EAW4B2PSchneider XB6EAW4J2PSchneider XB6EAW5B1PSchneider XB6EAW5B2PSchneider XB6EAW5J2PSchneider XB6EAW6B1PSchneider XB6...
Rockwell 800T-FXJP16RA1Rockwell 800T-FXJP16RA5Rockwell 800T-FXJPH16RARockwell 800T-FXJPH16RA7Rockwell 800T-FXJPH26RG1Rockwell 800T-FXJQ24RARockwell 800T-FXJQ24RA1Rockwell 800T-FXJQ24RA5Rockwell 800T-FXJQH10RA4Rockwell 800T-FXJQH2AARockwell 800T-FXJQH2AA5Rockwell 800T-FXJQH2AAV...
Fine HA, Kim L, Albert PS, Duic JP, Ma H, Zhang W, et al. A phase I trial of lenalidomide in patients with recurrent primary central nervous system tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13:7101–6. ArticleCASPubMed Lin Z, Amako Y, Kabir F, Flaxman HA, Budnik B, Woo CM. Development ...
Z 143 501/6 (24 02 10 38)Z 142 046/6Z 142 551/6 (14 03 12 38)E 110 186/4E 101 1380M 018 215/20-01H 140 778/6M141 025/8M 066 643 21/3M 660 583 21/0M 150 503M 069 315M 150 415M 150 493M 150 258M 150 259M 150 251M 063 411R4V06-595-11-09-G0Q-A1R4V03...