The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.The demo numbers, which are typically most important to the broadcast networks, aren’t quite as ...
Based on the nonfiction book “UFO Crash at Roswell” by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt, the production succeeds because it’s not so much a space odyssey but the story of a man’s lost soul: in effect, the wages of a man’s discovery and search for truth by MacLachlan’s ...
The first season of Twin Peaks remains one of the most satisfying viewing experiences of my life. When the 90-minute pilot debuted on ABC on April 8, 1990, just two months shy of my high school graduation, I was instantly slayed.
“Starz has entered the market today with an enormous value proposition for consumers,” said CEO Chris Albrecht in a statement, “Our programing will now be more widely available to the 20 million broadband only homes of cord nevers, cord cutters and cord shavers, including Millennials and othe...