If you didn’t seeGilmore Girlswhen it first aired, there’s still time to watch it with your kids. My daughters and I really bonded over this show. It follows single mother Lorelai and her bright and inspiring daughter Rory as they live their very full lives. This show has such a loy...
Drake & Josh is a beloved comedy that revolves around two polar-opposite teenagers who are forced to become stepbrothers and navigate the trials of adolescent life together. Through their humorous antics and heartwarming interactions, the show effectively explores themes of family, friendship, and pe...
Is That '70s Show Watchworthy? That '70s Show captures the essence of adolescence in the era of pot-smoking, bell-bottoms, and rock 'n' roll. Filled with heart and humor, the show follows six teenagers as they navigate the trials and tribulations of high school, family life, ...
Led by Archie, the Riverdale gang will attempt to navigate their new normal while dealing with all of the drama that comes with being high school teenagers. Where to Watch stream rent buy Not available Not available Not available *Availability in US Cast Camila Mendes , Marisol Nichols ...
Like a 21st-century Romeo and Juliet, teenagers Harry (Percelle Ascott)and June (Sorcha Groundsell) are in love, much to the dismay of their families. They run away together so they can express their love freely, but it soon comes to light that, wouldn’t you know it, June has the ...
Teenagers at NASA’s Space Camp dream of traveling to Mars, while experts reflect on the future and history of NASA. (TV-PG) The Mind, Explained Netflix Ever wonder what’s happening inside your head? From dreaming to anxiety disorders, discover how your brain works. (TV-14) ...
Modern teens who want to watch a new take on an old-fashioned TV show like Dawson’s Creek or One Tree Hill should check out this series. Set in the Outer Banks islands of North Carolina, this show follows a group of good-looking teenagers who are spending the summer together. They tho...
Here’s something you can watch with your parents (or teenagers) over the holidays. Comedian Nate Bargatze’s latest stand-up special for Netflix, “Your Friend” will tackle “wanting a second dog, how much pizza to order for guys night, his wife being the responsible one, and more.”...
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根据第一段的As a recent research shows that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression(抑郁症)as young adults. 以及结合全文可知,主要讲述了青少年看电视与抑郁症之间的关系,故选A。2.推理判断题。根据第五段的The researchers say they did not find any such ...