Drake & Josh is a beloved comedy that revolves around two polar-opposite teenagers who are forced to become stepbrothers and navigate the trials of adolescent life together. Through their humorous antics and heartwarming interactions, the show effectively explores themes of family, friendship, and pe...
Even though we're free to roam once more, nothing quite beats a night in front of the box. To make life a little easier, we've rounded up a slew of the best shows to watch on Netflix right now.
Then, we have Avatar: The Last Airbender, the highly anticipated reboot from Netflix that offers a live-action take on the beloved animation. Another 2024 must-watch is Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the slick spy thriller starring Donald Glover and Maya Erskine as an unlikely couple with a dangero...
Those titles all appear in this list of some of the very best supernatural shows you can watch on Netflix. There’s no doubt that fans of the spooky and strange are well served. So when you feel like escaping real life for a little while, get absorbed in the worlds of vampires, witch...
Series to Watch with Older Teens (TV-MA) Family Friendly Food Shows on Netflix Scary Shows to Watch as a Family More Family Entertainment Ideas Family Friendly Animated Shows for Young Kids (TV-Y) In this section, you’ll primarily find animated Netflix family series’ that are rated TV-...
but it also implements dark humor in a way that works so well. Balancing serious with lighthearted, it’s a good television show about young adults to watch on Netflix, even if you’re not keen on the history involved with it. What's more, it's been hailed asone of the best comedies...
Today, we’ve rounded up the best family shows on Netflix that you can binge-watch on your next family movie night. The list includes shows great for co-viewing with young children, bigger kids, tweens, and teenagers. Here are our recommendations. ...
These are the best shows and movies to watch on Netflix right now. We also have lists of the best movies on Netflix and best TV shows on Netflix. Looking for more recommendations of what to watch next? We have a ton of them! We also have hand-picked selections based on shows you...
This dubbed Swedish show has been described as what would happen if "The Crown and Gossip Girl had a baby." It follows Prince Wilhelm of Sweden as he starts a new boarding school, and is generally filled with privileged teenagers behaving badly. A new season comes to Netflix on November ...
Also ranks #1 on TGIF Shows From The '90s You Wish Still Existed Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? featured subscription free paid votes needed! NEW TO THE LIST NEW #52 Children of the Church Steps 4 votes NEW #53 Star Wars: Skeleton Crew 1 votes 3 Malcolm in the Middle Jan...