The show that redefined '80s nostalgia has gone on to ambitiously incorporate aliens, Cold War and coming-of-age experiences but Stranger Things also doubles as a small town mystery. Not only were many kids experimented upon in a Hawkins lab, the Midwestern town also harbors many everyday hero...
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1) those who watch murder mystery shows for entertainment 2) those who watch murder mystery shows to relax, and 3) those that don’t watch murder mysteries at all (which is very suspicious if you ask us). No matter which type you are, we’re willing to bet there’s a murder myster...
Over 100 fans have voted on the 160+ items on Very Best Mystery Shows & Movies. Current Top 3: Seven, Vertigo, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
There aremany reasons to watch the show, but one of its best is the premise, as these people are the anti-James Bond, starting with its boss, Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman). The show already has two seasons released and was renewed for two more, so it might be the perfect time to star...
First things first, the LGBTQ+ community is notoriously divided onThe Perfection, which might be even more of a reason to give it a watch. Arguably one of the closest things we’ve gotten as a modern exploitation horror movie,The Perfectionfeatures stunning performances from Allison Williams and...
The key to a good mystery is set up, suspense, and then the reveal. Much like a magic trick, the whole show can fall apart when executed poorly. Well anime is no different, and we’ve got some brilliant anime with constantly engaging plots, killer setups, and some magnificent resolutions...
It's so much fun to watch, and while there are only two seasons, it is easy to become sucked into this world of mystery poos and graffiti. While the stakes are much lower than in Pretty Little Liars, American Vandal is funnier because the characters approach it with the same serious det...
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15 on the 190+ best new mystery tv shows also ranks # 40 on the greatest tv series about abduction & kidnapping will i like it? is it watchworthy? subscription 11 conan o'brien must go april 18, 2024 48 votes conan surprises fans while also taking in local culture, cuisi...