Fresh Off the Boat is a lighthearted and entertaining exploration of the immigrant experience and the challenges faced by a Taiwanese-American family as they adjust to life in 1990s America. Through the eyes of young Eddie Huang, the show delves into themes of identity, culture, family dynamics...
From the comedic mishaps of affluent families to the dramatic intricacies of high society, these series prove that money might just be the root of all evil—or at least the catalyst for compelling television. Whether you're in the mood for the satirical antics of Arrested Development or the ...
cultural clashes, and relatable family dynamics, the show brings laughter and heartfelt moments while exploring themes of identity, generational gaps, and the immigrant experience.
The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) was been a hot mess before it was consigned to the history books, but it's hoped that new DC Studios co-heads James Gunn and Peter Safran'sDCUreboot can put it on a firmer footing. While they attempt to turn those fortunes around, the DCEU's defunct...
Apple has ordered a series aimed at kids and families based on the best-selling books by Paula Danziger: "Amber Brown" is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents' divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose ("The Rookie," "Co...
“The Andy Warhol Diaries” offers an unusually intimate vantage point into understanding the artist as a person, a shy closeted kid raised in Pittsburgh by Austro-Hungarian immigrant parents who concealed his shyness in adulthood behind the artifice of makeup and, of course, his many wigs. Dire...
"Pachinko" is an upcoming TV show based on Min Jin Lee's bestselling novel of the same name, which chronicles the lives of four generations of a poor Korean immigrant family in Japan. playThe story begins in 1911 with the birth of Sunja, who becomes involved with a married yakuza, fa...
and in Season 3 — the series' final — they hop from planet to planet as they try to find a way home. There's a certain formula here: family gets into deep trouble, family gets out of deep trouble, but because this swashbuckling adventure is designed for families who don't need hard...
And so, the results “may be explained in part by higher levels of disposable assets for immigrant families, including savings held abroad.” This new studyis said to piggyback off aNovember 2023 findingthat young adults (born after 1989) whose parents were homeowners were ...
The film is also a showcase for up and coming local talent, eighteen-year-old singer Amy Jordan, singing Ben E King’s classic ‘Stand By Me.’ The film followslast year’s storyabout an immigrant father and daughter discovering the sport, and Google helping them become a ...