Home for Christmas is a feel-good Norwegian series chronicling Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) as she embarks on a quest to find the perfect date for her family's Christmas dinner. The enchanting lineup of prospective suitors and heartfelt experiences makes for an irresistible roman...
A Norwegian family faces disaster. Premiered: December 12, 2024 Genres: Drama Also ranks #67 on The 100+ Best TV Dramas Of 2024, Ranked Also ranks #90 on The 150+ Best Netflix Drama Series, Ranked Also ranks #131 on The 300+ Best Netflix Foreign Series, Ranked Will i like it? IS...
HBO’s streaming service, Max, is home to tons of new and legacy content. HBO has had a long-standing partnership withSesame Street,but that comes to an end this month with season 55, the last that will be available on the streamer. Don’t worry; you can continue to watch older episo...
Watch onAmazon Prime Video. Photo:Courtesy Everett Collection. ‘The Worst Person In The World’ Heralded as one of the best pictures of 2021, Norwegian filmThe Worst Person In The Worldis the story of Julie, a young woman at multiple crossroads. Over the course of four years, Julie has ...
Translated as "Shame" this show follows a group of Norwegian high-school students and the problems they deal with as they grow up. Not only does the series use an innovative real-time format, but it also explores themes such as homosexuality, sexual abuse, relationships, eating disorders, men...
Watch on Netflix La Palma Netflix La Palmais a rare disaster story that doubles as a Christmas tale. Fair warning: There won’t be a lot of Christmas spirit in this Norwegian miniseries. Even before the inevitable natural disaster arrives, the marriage between Fredrik (Anders Baasmo) and Je...
‘Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes’ is a Norwegian series directed by Harald Zwart and Petter Holmsen. The show is about a bloodthirsty woman who is conflicted between her urge to save her own life and those of other people. It tells the story of Live Hallangen, who wakes up in ...
v1.1.3 : • Translations: Romanian by honeybunny from Addic7ed, French by Tra-Vis, Norwegian by hexjelly, Spanish by iachopolo • Bug fixes for Torrent Client Integrations • Improve Autodownload torrent search matching • Fixed adding shows with numeric titles • optionally display sea...
When a billionaire’s wife vanishes, Norwegian police must deal with the frenzied press and deceitful informants to find the truth. Based on real events. Sins of Our Mother — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Lori Vallow was known to friends and family as a devoted mother of three, a loving wife, and...
"Take On Me" by the Norwegian synth-pop band a-ha has been used 29 times, primarily in comedy TV shows like Family Guy, The Goldbergs, Superstore, and Mixed-ish. It was also used in The Last of Us season 1, episode 7 to illustrate Ellie's journey and the significance of her relati...