Even when streaming was in full swing, and shows like The Sopranos and The Wire were in the rearview mirror, everyone wanted to create their own Game Of Thrones. Erik Kain, Forbes, 8 Jan. 2025 Both shows focused on political and legal dramas in Chicago, and both were costumed by the ex...
Watched all of Boardwalk Empire and need more? This list of TV shows and movies like Boardwalk Empire not only offer all the same good stuff you love but ...
However confusing as the term might be right now, it’s undeniable that both streaming and cable produced some all-time great shows in the past decade, likeSuccessionandVeep. For its part, the late ’90s and 2000s kickstarted the trend with outright masterpieces likeThe SopranosandSix Feet U...
If you're wondering what to watch after Eastbound & Down, this list has the best recommendations for similar TV shows and movies you're bound to like -- ...
Like The Sopranos, Breaking Bad prompts viewers to relate to a criminal narcissist protagonist who treats his family terribly. By season 6, Walt is so awful that he's hard to engage with, and Jesse becomes the show's moral compass. The series even invokes sympathy for Gus, who, despite ...
engaging with the double standard that women can’t have it all while seemingly also understanding how unfair it is that Birgitte must deal with these issues while men in her same position do not. Much like the political drama at its center, this remains messy and complicated throughout, but...
Watch If You Like:Power, The Sopranos Following up from the events ofThe Batman,this popular series details the criminal life of Oz Cobb, aka The Penguin, as he tries to build his drug empire and overthrow the biggest crime family in the city. Think gangsters, think drugs, think violence...
The Leftovers hasn’t achieved the kind of legacy of other HBO shows like The Sopranos or Game of Thrones, but it’s one of the premium cable network’s very best shows, and it has a pretty vocal following. It’s bleak and dark, but if it works for you, you’ll have trouble stopp...
The Max streaming service (sometimes still referred to as HBO Max) is one of thebest video streaming servicesavailable today with a massive catalog ofthe best new movies,best new shows, and original programming. It’s got everything from classic HBO series likeThe Sopranos, alongside new favori...
While you wait for the new season to premiere, fill the void withmore shows likeEuphoriastreaming now on Hulu. Watch:Euphoria Game of Thrones Game of Thrones (GoT)is a fan-favorite mythical drama series chock-full of medieval knights, castles, dragons, and gory fight scenes where you win ...