Apple's still-untitled morning show drama starring Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston will bedirected by Mimi Leder, according toVariety. Leder is known for recent shows like "Shameless" and "The Leftovers," as well as movies like "Deep Impact" and "Pay It Forward." Leder...
Alivea Goncalves: He had made a few posts on Reddit in which he was conducting — seems like a questionnaire to people in prison or jail who had committed crimes … "how did you pick … your victim or your target?" For seven weeks, the families and the country were left wonderi...
In June 2023, nearly 10 years after the release of his debut album, “6 Feet Beneath the Moon,” London-based King Krule released his fourth album under the pseudonym, titled “Space Heavy.” This fall, the alternative artist is set to play a show at Oakland’s Fox Theater as part of...
All four devices survived a dunk test, which involved being kept under six feet of water for 30 minutes. For the drop test, each was dropped from six feet onto a sidewalk. However, unlike being submerged, all of the devices experienced trouble. The front screen-down drop test fo...
In Italy, Scientology Volunteer Ministers responded to a request from the Great Mosque of Rome — the largest mosque in the Western World. Volunteer Ministers sanitized more than 300,000 square feet of the facility. “I saw cars arriving from all...
Reum would remain trapped under the bridge for six days until a pair of fishermen found him. New video from police shows how the rescue happened. MORE: Oregon hiker rescued after tumbling ‘several hundred feet’ down Mt. Hood Mario Garcia and his son-in-law Nivardo Delatorre said their cu...
which brings an enhanced travel experience to our passengers flying to and from this destination. Our commitment to improving the airport experience across our domestic network drives us to invest in upgrades and renovations like this. We take great pride in delivering this state-of-the-art facilit...
Apple in a recent update to its Apple Maps service added satellite and drone imagery, as well as related geolocation tags, covering Apple Park, the company's headquarters that is currently under construction in Cupertino, Calif. As seen in the screenshot above, Apple Maps now ...