Best Shows Like Community Parks and Recreation Created by: Greg Daniels, Michael Schur Genre: Sitcom, Mockumentary Running Time:22 mins Original Channel:NBC Parks and Recreationwas created by the duo of Greg Daniels and Michael Schur. It’s on air since 2011 on NBC, the series is also known...
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If you're wondering what to watch after Workaholics, this list has the best recommendations for similar TV shows and movies you're bound to like -- all voted ...
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In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...
In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...
In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...
In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...
In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...
In a time where streaming services have all but dominated the market, it’s refreshing to see a show likeAbbott Elementarythrive on broadcast television. While it’s easy to draw comparisons to long-running workplace mockumentary seriesThe OfficeandParks and Recreation,Abbott Elementarycarves out it...