‘Elite’ is aSpanishshow that has become hugely popular after being on Netflix. The series is centered around three friends who go to Spain’s most elite private school after getting a scholarship. The show is funny and deals with high school students who live and study together. Naturally,...
Over 11K TV viewers have voted on the 65 Best Netflix Shows With LGBT Characters, Ranked. Current Top 3: Heartstopper, Élite, Sense8
‘High Seas,’ created by Ramón Campos and Gema R. Neira, is a thrilling Spanish period drama series on Netflix. Set in the 1940s, the show unfolds aboard a luxurious transatlantic ship traveling from Spain to Brazil. The series expertly blends mystery, suspense, and romance. With a stel...
Created by Manolo Caro (the mind behind Netflix's "The House of Flowers"), this sexy show on Netflix is set in 1950s Spain during the Franco regime and tells the story of a man who shocks his conservative family by bringing home his new love: a male ballet performer from Mexico. Wat...
An international phenomenon that has taken the world by storm, this show tells the story of a ragtag group of criminals brought together by a mysterious mastermind known as "The Professor" to execute an elaborate heist on Spain's Royal Mint. With its pulse-pounding suspense, intrica...
NetflixMoney Heist (2017 - 2021)In this riveting Spanish crime drama, a mastermind called "The Professor" assembles a group of eight people to carry out an ambitious robbery of the Royal Mint of Spain. The show uses compelling flashbacks and time jumps to keep you on your toes. ...
If you're in need of something new to binge or a reminder of an old favorite to revisit, this is the list for you: We've assembled a lineup of the best TV shows currently available on Netflix, from classics of yesteryear to the hottest new titles. They're some of our favorites, ...
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I was gutted when I discovered thatNetflix canceled the most realistic zombie show I’ve ever seenBlack Summer.Even though it ended on a cliffhanger, don't let this stop you from watching this heart-pounding and intense series.Black Summeris a prequel spin-off toZ Nation,and takes places ...