Set in a Southside Chicago high school, this drama explores the lives of five students as their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Tackling timely topics like mental health, racism, and gun violence, it's an insightful and powerful viewing choice for Generation Z. Premiered: June 4, 2018 Gen...
The lives of residents of the south side of Chicago. Premiered: January 7, 2018 Also ranks #2 on The Best Current Shows That Deal with Race Relations Also ranks #2 on The Best Current Black TV Shows Also ranks #8 on The Best Current TV Shows Starring Musicians Will i like it? IS ...
But, the consensus “hit” of the show, from all those I spoke with- Photographers, publishers, visitors and other gallerists, was undoubtedly the the work of Dawoud Bey shown by Stephen Daiter Gallery, Chicago. The group of new landscapes from his Night Coming Tenderly, Black, series based...
‘Easy’ is about an intertwined group of friends in Chicago who fumble through the modern maze of love, technology, and culture. Most of the episodes can be seen as a short film, although the stories are loosely connected. Dave Franco,Orlando Bloom, Kate Micucci, and Kiersey Clemons are s...
Will Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, and Chicago Med Be On TV Tonight? We have bad news for those of you who were hoping to sink into the Chicago emergency scene on Wednesday, January 15, 2024. You’ll be waiting at least a week before seeing more of your favorite shows. So, what’s ha...
and the Roy family engage in dirty tactics, flaunt their wealth, and find themselves constantly embroiled in controversy. With everything coming to a head in the fourth and final season,Successionis poised to go down in history as not only one of the best shows on HBO, but also one of ...
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video,Max, Disney+, Paramount+, Peacock, and Apple TV+ all have one thing in common: They’re more expensive than they used to be. We can live with higher rates as long as new shows keep coming, but it’s always a good idea to consider signing up for...
Chicago blues guitarist and singer J.B. Lenoir didn't shy away from political subject matter throughout his career. Annoyed with the government for taxing him out of his hard-earned money, the artist wrote this charged tune for Parrot Records. When controversy ensued, label executive Al Benson...
After leaving his fine-dining chef’s position, a young man (Jeremy Allen White) returns to Chicago to straighten out his family’s ailing sandwich shop. Fargo (2014-present) Based on the 1996 cult film by the Coen brothers, this anthology series might have prompted skepticism initially but...
This black drama on Showtime sheds its light on a South Chicago Community that undergoes a lot after a series of events brings the lives of its resident Brandon, Emmet,... Read more Watch the trailer of The Chi Stream The Chi via: ' Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates Snowfall CR...