MGM Television’s huge Vikings series is over but coming soon is sequel series coming exclusively to Netflix called Valhalla which has been given a three-season upfront order. The series is set 100 years after the main mothership series and follows the adventures of Leif Erikson, Freyd...
Over 8K TV viewers have voted on the 100+ Best Romance Shows On Netflix, Ranked. Current Top 3: Crash Landing on You, Outlander, Virgin River
The South African iteration of Netflix’s Mexican drama series, ‘Dark Desire,’‘Fatal Seduction’follows the story of Nandi. She goes on a weekend trip with her best friend to take a break from everything. Things have been difficult in her marriage as her relationship with her husband has...
Netflix is having a good run this month with amazing new shows, films, series, and movies coming to the platform. April 2024 has a great package for entertainment, and Netflix is home to many of them. In this article, we share with you all of the new shows, films, movies, and seri...
Jan. 31“Lucca’s World” “The Snow Girl” Season 2 Coming Soon“Fake Profile: Season 2”“Lovers Anonymous”“The Roshans” (IN) (Documentary)“The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call” Read More About: Maria, Netflix, NFL on Christmas, No Good Deed More...
Netflix, you had us at "Agent Elvis," but I still appreciate that thefirst trailermakes the case for lots of chaotic fun. Elvis can be seen taking a trip to the moon, punching Charles Manson, and displaying enough creativity to rival John Wick (let's just say he mistakes a regular ol...
More on Netflix: The best TV shows on Netflix right now The best movies on Netflix right now Everything coming to Netflix in February Coming Soon Detective Forst The Indrani Mukerjea Story: Buried Truth Feb. 1 ¡Sálvese quien pueda!
110 movies and shows — that’s what’s coming toNetflixin March which, last we checked, still only had 31 days in it. That’s a lot of stuff to watch, so here’s the highlights. There’s a new season ofthe hit seriesBridgerton, as well as the filmWindfall, a thriller starring ...
The ultimate home for the best and the latest Netflix news, original series, movies, television shows, commentary and Netflix new releases & stories.
110 movies and shows — that’s what’s coming toNetflixin March which, last we checked, still only had 31 days in it. That’s a lot of stuff to watch, so here’s the highlights. There’s a new season ofthe hit seriesBridgerton, as well as the filmWindfall, a thriller starring ...