There are some differences between the outputs ofzerotier-cli info -jas listed below but no difference forzerotier-cli listnetworks Right after Debian system booted(zerotier system service showing active but zerotier not actually working, and zerotier panel shows this host is OFFLINE) ...
I was going to suggest that you connect all four switches to the Tuya App and then just add the two local switches to Tuya Local but then I started thinking about it. How do you have the switches connected in the Tuya App.? Since they use different networks at different locations did y...
Windows could not start the docker service on local computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly. Windows could not start the windows event log service on local Computer. Error 13: The data is invalid Windows Defender Real Time Protection Handled by another AV program Windows Firewall...
I'm going through the "Add Roles and Feature Wizard" but cannot see the "User Interface & Infrastructure" feature. Here is a snippet of the my features list in alphabetical order: Can someone please advise me on what to do and how to get the "User Interface & Infrastructure" feature ins...
clickhouse metrics exporter is not showing any metrics from clickhouse i have used lots of version like 0.14.0, 0.15.0, 0.16.0, 0.17.0 it is taking too much time to display a metrics we have lots of data in clickhouse database. while che...
PS D:\node\docker> docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f44a78a520df mongo "docker-entrypoint..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes 27017/tcp mongo PS D:\node\docker> docker top mongo Error response from daemon: Unexpected pid '113361root': strconv.Atoi: parsing...
Windows could not start the docker service on local computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly. Windows could not start the windows event log service on local Computer. Error 13: The data is invalid Windows Defender Real Time Protection Handled by another AV program Windows Firewall...
By default it will query the local node setup by Docker Compose in this repo. If you want to use another Chain, update the values in the .env file you created in the first step to set the preferred Chain you wish your app to transact on....