I have a 3500 switch with IOS of 12.0 that does not accept the " show counters " command. I cleared them and want to see what ports are not being used so I can move the users over to a new switch. What is the correct form of show counters? I have this problem too Labels: Oth...
funccustomizeBar(bar *pb.ProgressBar){ bar.ShowCounters=truebar.ShowTimeLeft =falsebar.ShowSpeed =truebar.SetMaxWidth(80) bar.SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES) } 开发者ID:prashant-agarwala,项目名称:grozilla,代码行数:7,代码来源:log.go 示例2: CheckMetadata ▲点赞 7▼ // CheckMetadata downloads the ...
这个是你先配置了vlan,然后才配置的vtp导致的,vtp全名叫vlan中继协议,是Cisco私有的,他将vlan信息进行传递,是交换机之间能够互相学习到vlan信息,vtp有3个模式:server、client、透明模式。VTP(VLAN Trunk Protocol)CISCO私有的协议 ·VTP是一种2层消息协议,通过管理VTP域内的VLAN增/删/改,保持VLA...
show interface counters 查看的是从上一次清除计数器之后到当前时间统计的一个数值,是不断累计的,Octets反应的也是累计的字节数(单位byte),如果要转换为KB那么只需除以1024即可,转换为MB再次除以1024,以此类推 show interface t1/1 中的 xxxx packets input/ packets output 是上面 对应的ucast+mcast+Bcast ...
Rock Show Counters Drug ScourgeIn memory of slain TJ Wiebe Floyd Wiebe has staged eight rock concerts largely to prove drugs and...By RedekopBill
COUNTERS & SHOWCASES DISPLAY Attractive and durable checkouts, service counters, register stands, showcases and more. CUSTOMIZE When faced with unique merchandising challenges, Madix's extensive engineering staff can work with a retailer to develop custom products that meet his or her particular ...
show ip counters ipv4 I have been trying to figure out the meaning of the "show ip counters ipv4" command. I was wondering if it is a global aggregate of all ipv4 traffic forwarded by the switch or if it means something different. I have not been able to find any documentation t...
aok we will talk more about it when i am in Shaghai ok we will talk more about it when i am in Shaghai[translate] alastclearling of"show interface"counters never lastclearling "展示接口"从未抵抗[translate]
I've used counters, but sometimes they don't show. Can I resort to using eBay counters even though I've listed with Auciva?Thanks! Mark Cuthbertson 2008/11/5下午12:02 ️ 0 Original Post A auctivamikedAuctiva Customer Support Manager Hi Mark, If you selected the "hidden" version...