1.hive模糊搜索表 show tables like '*name*'; 2.查看表结构信息 desc formatted table_name; desc table_name; 3.查看分区信息 show partitions table_name; 4.根据分区查询数据 select table_coulm from table_name where partition_name = '2014-02-25'; 5.查看hdfs文件信息 dfs -ls /user/hive/wareho...
Description:Our wordpress database has over 494,216 tables. The code uses "show tables like '<table_name>'" to check whether tables exist. It took 2 seconds to return mysql> SHOW TABLES LIKE 'wp_smartcrawl_redirects'; +---+ | Tables_in_wpress (wp_smartcrawl_redirects) | +---+ | ...
项目中用到show tables 到show tables查询表名如下 show tables like '1%' ; 1. 结果如下: 表头名字为 Tables_in_netdesign (1%) 不能利用别名as来修改 解决方法 利用select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES select table_name as name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_name like '1%'; 1. 结...
showhistoryfortables [like<table_name>]; 查看指定表的备份数据,获取保留周期内备份的各个数据版本信息。 show history for table <table_name>; 查看已删除表的备份数据,获取保留周期内备份的各个数据版本信息。 show history for table table_name ('id'='xxxx'); ...
I have a function that simply checks to see if a table exists using "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$tablename'" as a query. I can see that some tables within a db come up with the correct reply and results, but other tables come up null. I can see the SQL statement for each, and they all...
show tables;显示当前数据库中的Tables describe table_name;显示table各字段信息 DROP TABLE t; (删除表) DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; ALTER TABLE t ADD x INT NOT NULL;(增加一列) ALTER TABLE t DROP x; (删除y) 3)表数据的基本操作: 添加纪录: ...
在MySQL中,SHOW TABLES命令用于列出当前数据库中的所有表。要配合其他命令使用,您可以将SHOW TABLES的结果作为子查询或者存储到一个变量中。下面是一些示例: 使用LIKE过滤特定模式的表: SHOW TABLES LIKE 'pattern%'; 这将显示以’pattern’开头的所有表。 使用WHERE子句过滤表名: SELECT table_name FROM ...
show tables 是管理语句,不能作为标准sql语句使用在子语句场合。可以直接查系统的字典表来进行:select right(table_name, 5) from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%usermeta';information_schema 是系统字典所在的数据库,其中的tables表记录了数据库的所有表。desc information_schema....
1. show create table tablename; Oracle: selecttable_name,dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','TABLE_NAME')fromdual,user_tableswheretable_name='TABLE_NAME'; eg:selecttable_name,dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','C')fromdual,user_tableswheretable_name='C'; ...
One statement, SHOW TABLES FROM <schema> LIKE '<table_name>' is causing an error: Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)': [MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11]Source character set not supported by client ...