27. show spanning tree summary show spanning tree summary命令用于显示设备的生成树协议(STP)摘要信息。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的STP状态。 Router# show spanning tree summary 返回示例: Switch is in pvst mode Root bridge for: VLAN0001, VLAN0002, VLAN0003 Extended system ID is enabled Portfast Defau...
27. show spanning tree summary show spanning tree summary命令用于显示设备的生成树协议(STP)摘要信息。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的STP状态。 Router# show spanning tree summary 返回示例: Switch isinpvst mode Root bridgefor: VLAN0001, VLAN0002, VLAN0003 Extended system ID is enabled Portfast Default is...
show resource usage [ context context_name | top n | all | summary | system | detail ] [ resource {[ rate ] resource_name | all }] [ counter counter_name [ count_threshold ]] 構文の説明 context context_name (マルチ モードのみ)統計情報を表示するコンテキストの名前を指定しま...
15 show mac-address-table ;通过查看MAC 地址表信息,确认目的MAC地址是否正确。 16 dir all-filesystems ;查看交换机或路由器内部操作系统及其它文件系统(主要关注是否存在crash文件) 17 show interface status ;查看交换机接口状态是否存在errordisable接口或disable(shundown)接口 18 show interface summary ;查看交...
summary (Optional) Displays summarized information of BGP state. labels (Optional) Displays incoming and outgoing BGP labels for each NLRI prefix. vrf vrf-name Displays routes for a specific VRF. all Displays routes for all VRFs. rd route-distinguisher Displays routes matchin...
detail: queries the execution of sub-processes in the metadata repair. summary: queries the summary of the metadata repair process. flow: queries the specific flow of the metadata repair process. kvinfo: queries the kv information of the metadata repair process. disk_domain_id=? Disk domain...
detail: queries the execution of sub-processes in the metadata repair. summary: queries the summary of the metadata repair process. flow: queries the specific flow of the metadata repair process. kvinfo: queries the kv information of the metadata repair process. disk_domain_id=? Disk domain...
show snmp-info [addresses | all | groups | statistics | summary | users | views] Arguments addresses—Display device IP addresses, their subnet mask entries and request, reply, and trap counters. all—Display detailed system-level SNMPv3 counters. groups—Display user group entries. statis...
Show a summary of the memory usage for the processes and the shared libraries in the system. If you specifypid,showmemdisplays information only for the process with that ID. -S Show a summary of the free and used memory for the entire system. ...
(desktop,true, borderWith); }///<summary>///Shows the shared resource "chrome" around the shared process///</summary>///<param name="selectedResourceObject"></param>privatevoidShowProcessChrome(SharingResource selectedResourceObject){ Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); Process...