"optional" should get implemented - either as a Preference setting that applies across all folders opened or a quick toggle button to show folder size in Tool bar itself that can be enabled after the contents of the folder is loaded and Nemo can remember the previous setting for that folder...
Type: Bug I click on Open Folder from the Start Screen It does not show the Linux/Ubuntu filesystem, that I see though in the Windows File Manager. Saying said this, I will not be able to debug a DDEV project that is running in WSL, beca...
If you’d prefer to use a GUI file management tool to do this, locate the file or folder in your preferred app. Right-click it, then selectRename. Add a single dot to the beginning of its name before pressingEnteron your keyboard to save the changes. Managing Your Files on Linux If ...
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部署HAP时上报“Failure[INSTALL_FAILED_SIZE_TOO_LARGE] error while deploying hap”错误 如何获取当前应用程序缓存目录 如何获取应用级别的temp路径和files路径 服务卡片EntryFormAbility生命周期回调函数在哪个ArkTS文件中调用 UIAbility如何刷新ArkTS卡片 UIAbility是否可以做到对部分白名单应用可见 startAbility(...
Learn how to show hidden files and folders on a Windows/Mac computer, smartphone, a USB stick, and almost any other device.
Faster way to get folder size? Faster way to Read XML in C#.Net Fastest method to convert bitmap object to byte array Fastest way to do string comparisons? Hashset.Contains? Fastest way to iterate through an IEnumerable<T> Fastest way to read a huge csv file and plot the values Fastest...
Faster way to get folder size? Faster way to Read XML in C#.Net Fastest method to convert bitmap object to byte array Fastest way to do string comparisons? Hashset.Contains? Fastest way to iterate through an IEnumerable<T> Fastest way to read a huge csv file and plot the values Fastest...
When I click "show in folder" Chrome opened the folder in a new tab. How can I fix this such that Chrome opens the folder with my standard file explorer (caja)? google-chrome linux-mint mate Share Improve this question Follow edited Feb 25, 2014 at 21:57 Sorea...