CENtree is a collaborative ontology building platform tailored to life sciences needs for both editing and browsing ontologies in one. Ontology browsing is oriented around a tree tailored to visualizing biomedical ontologies, their entities, and their relationships. Complex language associated w...
After examination of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-state diffusional models, two diffusive states were sufficient to explain the dataset based on an elbow analysis of the model scores. Each cell was analyzed as a separate dataset, and variability in the HMM parameters was reported over cells. The ...
Borrowing from the pool of interesting Google queries he had created, along with scores of queries from the community. The author snagged screenshots and presented them one at a time, making smarmy comments along the way. It makes sense to include the showcase in the edition of Google Hacking...
Table 1. Questions and corresponding scores Question Average score 1 I could get feelings about wearing clothes on my own virtual body by using 4 this system 2 I could get feelings about wearing clothes in real life scene by using this system 3.5 3 I feel the user interactions are ...
I used an archaich Romanian font for the headings, parcolumns for the side-by-side text, and LilyPond for the scores. edit: There's now http://www.liturghie.net/ where the full PDFs are available (also in other languages besides English). Source code will eventually make its way on ...
I used an archaich Romanian font for the headings, parcolumns for the side-by-side text, and LilyPond for the scores. edit: There's now http://www.liturghie.net/ where the full PDFs are available (also in other languages besides English). Source code will eventually make its way on ...
it's a complicated thing, but you can see every youtuber uses afterburner for the superior overlay, if it is genuinely the problem (doesn't seem to be, AMD just seems to not work with some fundamental driver bug around hardware accelerated media, not sure what the problem is), AMD ...
The blue overlay shows the DMN template, the green overlay shows the SN template, these two templates together were used for small-volume-correction and results were significant at p<0.05 FWE-corrected. For illustrative purposes, in this figure the connectivity result map was thresholded at p<...
The blue overlay shows the DMN template, the green overlay shows the SN template, these two templates together were used for small-volume-correction and results were significant at p<0.05 FWE-corrected. For illustrative purposes, in this figure the connectivity result map was thresholded at p<...
This not only stimulates users to contribute as much forward- ing bandwidth as possible, but also motivates those with spare bandwidths in resource-rich overlays to find down- stream users in external, often resource-poor, overlays so as to accumulate more reputation scores. Under this mech- ...