I have a custom date field for accounts in SalesForce: LastCheckedDate (API Name: LastCheckedDate__c) I'm trying to use the SalesForce Enterprise API to query accounts based on that field. It returns results, and I can use the custom field in the WHERE part of the query, but I can...
“When I asked a sales manager how this framework and the tools we implemented through Salesforce & Showpad have helped him, his response was unequivocal: ‘It’s hours per prospect you’re saving me.’” Tom Carter National VP, Business Marketing Read the full story “Showpad was ado...
Developer Key securestring The Access Token for this api TrueThrottling LimitsExpandir táboa NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsTriggersExpandir táboa Trigger when file shared via email is downloaded Creates a Showcase Workshop webhook Triggers when a sharing email ...
【salesforce】用lwc 实现community site popup page 覆盖homepage (LWC) modalPopupLWC.js...error.body.pageErrors) this.errMsg = error.body.pageErrors[0].message; this.showAlert...error.body.pageErrors) this.errMsg = error.body.pageErrors[0].message; this.showAlert...所以此方案不行 方案2:在...
If you have been working with the Salesforce API for any length of time, you have probably used theApex Data Loader. A robust and simple tool, the Data Loader is useful for getting data into and out of Salesforce, and with a bit of practice, offers more functionality than the...
Sorry, that's outside my PPro and Adobe API experience. Yes, the encoding is suspect. This seems potentially helpful/relevant:https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/57738/how-to-decode-german-charactersgerman-umlauts-f... Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Re...
- Request has an assertion to check for Valid HTTP Status codes - I am using SoapUI 5.6.0 Open Source - Testing the same request in Postman doesn't have this issue - Other the same API with different request payloads work correctly. It appears to only happen...
@api topClass = 'slds-notify slds-notify_toast slds-theme_info';connectedCallback() { if(this.notificationType == 'warning') {this.topClass = 'slds-notify slds-notify_toast slds-theme_warning';this.iconName = 'utility:warning';}