External memory PDBs: Initial results Pattern databases (PDBs) have been widely used as heuristics for many types of search spaces,but they have always been computed so as to fit in the main memory of the machine usingthe PDB. This paper studies the how external-memory PDBs ... NR Sturteva...
fact windbg expects that all the debug information, like PDBs and source tree are *not* on the target machine. Also, you will eventually consume much more disk space that you want or need on the VM. And you may have other VMs with other OS that you want to test with so your dev en...
<ncover program="tools\ncover\Ncover.Console.exe" commandLineExe="tools\nunit\bin\nunit-console.exe" commandLineArgs="ClearspanAdapters.Test.dll /xml=${project::get-name()}2.Test-Results.xml" workingDirectory="build\" logLevel="Verbose" verbose="true" coverageFile="build\coverage.xml"> ...
This might be acceptable for a debugger that uses data in type-added PDBs (but this *still* does not make it a supported contract). I would not ship any other type of tool which relied on this information, and even then, understand the fragility you are incurring. S ---Original Messa...
As a workaround, you could use debugger to attach to the hang app (with null .sympath setting), generate a dump with full memory (“.dump /mA ”), process the dump from another machine. The needed PDBs will be downloaded from that session. From the live session you could set the pro...