If you only want to add a small number of videos to your site, then it’s easy toembed YouTube videos in WordPress blog posts. However, you’ll need to add each new video manually, which takes time and effort. Instead, we recommend embedding a YouTube feed that updates automatically ev...
By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. The new design for YouTube's Android (left) and iOS (right) apps.Credit: YouTube But the changes are more than just a visual refresh. Behind the scenes, YouTube has also tweaked its reco...
Wanted to post a China Drama Review in December last year but was too busy. I wrote small reviews for My Poseidon and The Night of the Comet at our page. I am unlikely to write long reviews for them. I guess the drama drought didnt affect me as much the past few months as I was ...
Then we have Xia Xia who isn’t the strongest villain but she still finds ways to shake everybody up so I can appreciate that. She is crazy in a very dangerous way with no tactic being out of bounds. I thought she did a good job of playing everybody and while her role isn’t lar...
so far which is The Romance of Tiger and Rose. Scanned through some parts of Well Dominated Love, Mr Honesty, Word of Honour, and You Are My Hero while they were screening. The male lead character in Mr Honesty is interesting. The boss in Well Dominated Love is cute in some ways. ...
“as seen on youtube” bumper sticker, which they affixed to the rear window of the van. they even printed off business cards bearing the channel’s name. “that would be the dream, to be able to do this and still be able to eat and buy gas,” guy told me. on august 6 of ...
A subset of this show is the abusive husbands who also get yelled at by West or whoever and are sent to jail and amend their ways, all nicely in an hour.The third show is kind of a grab bag, usually either animals, overweight babies (which is the one that truly disgusts me), ...
You should start publicizing your show as early as possible. So, without further ado, here are ten ways you and your team can publicize your show. 1. Get people talking. First and foremost—word of mouth— tell everyone you know. Word of mouth is the cheapest and easiest way to let ev...
There are two ways of looking at "Naked Attraction". Some consider it exploitive, verging on the pornographic. There has certainly been an outcry from some since it arrived in the U.S. Others see the show as educational, enlightening 'body positive' experience that covers a wide spectrum ...
Hello and thank you. I tried this and it worked but I found out I was searching for something little different. You know when you set it the way that only one line is shown – when I set it that ways it still doen not show the empty cats. You know what I mean? If yes can you...