It was beta-read by the lovely cadhla, who was the only person I could think of off the top of my head who would be a) awake at that hour and b) conversant with Irish Mythology enough to tell me if it was utter shite. And the last bit with the spear is me stealing Lugaid's ...
But the fur looks PLUSH - me wanna touch!!! Thanks for the pics, Nial! Click to expand... Yes that's been said many times before by all of us bengal breeders. But to give the Toyger breeders credit, my pictures didn't do these cats justice. They really are doing a remarkable ...
Exactly 152 cats showed up for the audition, all of them “considerably less nervous than their owners.” Several were disqualified thanks to white paws or noses, but even for those left in the running, the day left dreams largely dashed. The lead role, it turned out, had already been ...
that Webber reverse-engineered when writing it. As performed, it's deluxe bathos, surfing waves of tears and snot. Maybe Hudson's just allergic to cat dander. The number surpasses even the ghastliness of Anne Hathaway's similarly wet "I Dreamed a Dream" in Cats director's Tom» Read ...
My Comic About Capybaras Showcases The Situations Many Of Us Have To Face At Work (34 Pics) Capybaras deal with awful management, lazy coworkers, and a diminishing will to live. I used to work in a number of dreadful places, including the aptly named retail hell. I used to write ...
He also usually ignores dogs-- in fact someone walked their dog right past the judging table when they had him up there and he didn't get scared. It's lucky it was him because I'm sure some of the other cats might have freaked out! I don't know why they didn't have a rope ...
“Here, Over There”: An Ad Campaign That Showcases Shockingly Different Childhoods (5 Pics) An eye-opening ad campaign faced France in December 2020. It was created for "World Vision" by the ad agency "Steve". The campaign consists of 5 visuals showing the harsh reality of 356 million ...
hopefully they won't 'poop' out on me next year if I give them some manure. maybe a little phosphorous in the way of some bonemeal will keep them from looking so 'skeletonized' in the fall. [img][...
She loses her way a bit on This Town, a newer song that perhaps she hasn’t quite got as comfortable with as the rest of her set. Despite this, it sounded good and the high notes really seemed unaffected to me by her cold. I enjoyed the simpler arrangement; easier for the ear to ...
Here’s a few of Mark’s pics of what I missed: Alas, Krakow was not in the cards this time around (I know, I know, nobody feels bad for me, had to miss Krakow for Laos). After finally landing in Warsaw I met my Dad at our accommodations, the H12 Boutique Hotel. So, my ...