Hiatal Hernia Surgery || Preoperative Diagnostic Workup for GERD and Hiatal Hernia: An Evidence and Experience-Based Approach For AchalasiaAchalasia a myotomy, which had been initially developed by Heller more than hundred years ago, is an effective therapy with good long-term results. Both abdomina...
Prosthetic closure of the esophageal hiatus in large hiatal hernia repair and laparoscopic antireflux surgery BACKGROUND: Laparoscopy has become the standard surgical approach to both surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease and large/paraesophageal hiatal herni... FA Granderath,MA Carlson,JK Champion...
DL Ngaage,RA Young,ME Cowen - 《Surgery Today》 被引量: 27发表: 2001年 Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair and Synchronous Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Placement: A Single-Center Experience Background: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a common method for treating end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Occur...
Objective: Paraesophageal hernias represent advanced degrees of sliding hiatus hernia with intrathoracic displacement of the intraesophageal junction. Gas... DE Maziak,TRJ Todd,FG Pearson - 《Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery》 被引量: 521发表: 1998年 Management of intrathoracic stomach with...
Truncal vagotomy, esophagogastroplasty (Grondahl), economical (30%) gastric resection, and termino lateral gastrojejunostomy with the Roux Gertsen Yudin me... S Goldenberg 被引量: 0发表: 1973年 Transgastrostomy jejunal catheterization for immediate drinking and feeding in surgery of megaesophagus. Pr...
Effect of hiatal hernia on esophageal manometry and pH-metry in gastroesophageal reflux disease An increased frequency of reflux events and a prolonged acid clearance have been shown in gastroesophageal reflux (GER) patients with a hiatal hernia as co... P Kasapidis,JS Vassilakis,G Tzovaras,......
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Intrathoracic stomach: Presentation and results of operation A giant hiatal hernia (HH) is a hernia that includes at least 30% of the stomach in the chest, although a uniform definition does not exist; most commonly,... A Allen,T Trastek,D Desch...
- 《Obesity Surgery》 被引量: 18发表: 2015年 Is alcohol consumption associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease? investigations concerning this matter are inappropriate and further well-designed prospective studies are needed to clarify the effect of alcohol on GERD.doi... SH Chen,JW Wang,YM ...
It is quite clear that Drs Chernow and Castell agree with the concepts set forth in my article: that adults with severe asthma have hiatal hernia and reflux more frequently than age-matched controls and that it appears quite likely that ... J Burch,A Ciapponi - 《Cochrane Clinical Answers...
Valutazione comparativa dell'analisi biochimica e microbiologica dell'urina raccolta convenzionalmente e con un nuovo metodo Once wet it is removed and inserted into the syringe provided. The urine is then squeezed into the tube used to take the specimen to the doctor's surgery. Tests have ...