Any additional options may be modified by passing along an object as the last argument of any of the aformentioned methods. Here's the previous example, but with a custom class for the toggle: $('#password').hideShowPassword(true,'focus',{toggle:{className:'my-toggle'}}); ...
For example, to get a list of emails with just their subject and the date/time when they were received, use the following command: JavaScript Copy graphClient .api('/me/messages') .select('subject,receivedDateTime') .orderby('receivedDateTime desc') .get(); Tip You can find the ...
一、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Can you show me an example () of how to make it?2. The mobile phone plays an important role() in our lives.3. Who won the first prize(奖) in the dancing competition?4. The little boy can't have a bike because his family is poor ().5...
but not by themselves. Writing technical documents need lots of time and works, such as it needs to consider how to handle the format and layout of the documents. Beside, the man who writes the documents has to think all kinds of non-technical details. For example, which catalog should ...
Use this named slot to change the layout of the password strength meter. Example: Use custom input <VuePasswordv-model="user.password"></VuePassword> Password<VuePasswordv-model="user.password":strength="score"@input="updateStrength"/> importVuePasswordfrom'vue-password'newVue({el:'#app',...
post_id:1}, {first_name:'example456',post_id:2}, {first_name:'example789',post_id:3}, ],likes: [ {first_name:'example1',post_id:1}, {first_name:'example2',post_id:1}, {first_name:'example3',post_id:1}, {first_name:'example4',post_id:2}, ] } } } }) }callMe(...
Example Query LUN information. admin:/diagnose>lun showmemdb 0 LunInfo: version :0 objInfoLen :224 dynamicInfoLen :0 opCode :1 para :0 lunId :0 userLunSize :2097152 hashFactor :64 volumeId :64 protectTp :4294967295 originLunId :4294967295 featureflag :11 lunType :0 lunTypeBitMap :0...
The Quotes and Tips plugin can select a random quote from all of the quotes you’ve added. Or, it can select a random quote from a specific quote category. For example, if you have anonline store, you might want to display quotes about a specific product on that product page only. ...
Here, go ahead and add menu items that you want to show to registered or logged-in users. For example, you might want toadd a logout link to your menu. On the left-hand side of the screen, you can see a list of your website pages. Simply check the box next to any page you ...
A JWT is represented as a sequence of URL-safe parts separated by period ('.') characters. Each part contains a base64url-encoded value. but you are using base64 encoding in the signature, as shown in your code example. The difference betweenbase64url encodingand base64 ...