Me and 6 friends visited Amsterdam at the start of January and decided that a sex show in Amsterdam was one of our “musts”. We picked Moulin Rogue partly for the name and also the price wasn’t too bad at 40€. Overall an interesting and funny experience with two strip-acts and two...
***August 20, 2023 - August 26, 2023 Weekly Show, Tell, and Critique*** Aug 20, 2023 2 I’m hosting the thread again this week, as Greg is on his trip out West! Anything goes in this thread (as long as DPReview's general standards are not violated): any camera; any subjec...
As Anton Chekhov said, “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” (Note: even though you'll see the above quote frequently, it's a bit of a miss-quote. Here's what Chekhov actually said.) How do you “show, don't tell”? The good ...
God would not approve of your actions .If you can’t say anything positive and nice don’t say anything at all. Uh, asking a pointed question of an elected official and expecting an actual answer is not “hateful”. EXCUSE ME? YOU are NOT the one who judges me nor do I answer to!
Don’t get me wrong – these are way better than regular ankle socks, but I’d prefer a true no show sock since these higher socks will be visible in most of my shoes.That said, they are durable and comfortable. They’re thicker than the other loafer socks I tried, which is great ...
Search before asking I have searched the YOLOv8 issues and discussions and found no similar questions. Question I want to show the label but remove boxes line, could you please tell me how to get this. thank you for your help. Additional...
James Bond in the age of #MeToo When I first found out I was going to be a father, I was happy, excited, and terrified. My wife and I knew we were going to have a son and the prospect of impending fatherhood raised all kinds of questions and fears. What kind of man am I? Wha...
AllofthatisusedtoindicatethatthatwasthelastthingthatIwanttosay. I'mfinishingmystory. Nowsomeoneelsecansharetheiridea, theirstoryortheycanmakeacomment, askmeaquestion. ButI'mfinished.所有这些都表明这是我想说的最后一件事,我马上就要结束发言。现在其他人可以分享他们的想法,他们的故事,或者可以发表评论...
They handle the complex financial planning, uncertain tax strategies, timely exit planning, bill pay and wires, and all the other parts of wealth management that would otherwise pull me away from doing what I love most: making things, mastering skills, and spending time with the people I care...
Originally Published: July 14, 2023 About Me & My Role: It’s my job to shine a light on everything Dell Technologies is doing to address our sustainability priorities: Climate Action and the Circular Economy. As part of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Marketing team, I ...