me engaged throughout her streams. I just love how she pulls off Jett voice lines so smoothly and clean! She definitely can be a voice actor as well. Lastly… how do you relax? I just play video games on my free time. Mostly Roblox, Fortnite, or Call of Duty, just to cool off ...
从《Eamon》(1980)和《组合式弹子台》(Pinball Construction Set, 1982)这样古老的作品,到《ZZT》(1991)、《被遗忘的国度:无限冒险》(Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures, 1993)、《无冬之夜》(Neverwinter Nights, 2002)和《Roblox》(2006),这种想法已经得到了多次实现。 在一款用《被遗忘的国度:无限冒险》(...