ID of a storage pool. lunWWN LUN WWN. status LUN status. remoteStatus Remote LUN status. lunName LUN name. remoteLunWWN WWN of the remote LUN. ldId Block device ID. disguiseStatus Masquerading status. isDstLun Whether the LUN is the target LUN. bypassCache Whether the LUN passes through ...
Query timeout statistics of a storage pool. developer:/>show pool stats statistic_type=timeout index=10 Module ID Name Timeout(ms) 1*Timeout 2*Timeout 3*Timeout 4*Timeout 5*Timeout Total --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 166 KVDB_ALLOC_NEWNODE 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0...
CJ (also known as "Cloudy J") is a recurring character on Regular Show, who made her debut in the Season Three episode "Yes Dude Yes", and later had a reoccurring role in Seasons Five and Six as Mordecai's second known girlfriend, until a love triangle b
In the early 1990s, the programming wizards at NBC realized they might be leaving advertising dollars on the table by not providing adolescents a Saturday morning entertainment bridge from cartoons to live-action sitcoms that reflected, in that garish sitcom way, their middle to high school lives....
Table: account - 在那个表定义触发器 Statement: SET @sum = @sum + NEW.amount - 触发体 Timing: BEFORE - 是在触发之前激活触发事件,还是在触发之后激活触发事件 Created: NULL - sql_mode: NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION - 触发器执行时的SQL模式 Definer: me@localhost - 谁创建了触发器 character_set_clien...
Table 1. Failover Interface States State Description Normal The interface is up and receiving hello packets from the corresponding interface on the peer unit. Normal (Waiting) The interface is up but has not yet received a hello packet from the corresponding interface on ...
It shows error code 999 in python client side, but clickhouse log is a bit different. The log is attached at last. However, I'm afraid it's not about network problem because it's OK when truncating other tables, but 100% reporting error when truncating one table. ...
Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engineSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:4.1, 5.0 BKOS:MacOS (OS X, Linux) Assigned to:Heikki TuuriCPU Architecture:Any [30 Nov 2006 1:50] Arjen Lentz Description:For file-per-table InnoDB, it appears the Create_time ...
SHOW TABLE STATUS? etc .. ???[12 May 2008 14:49] Heikki Tuuri Vasil, please remove the latched pages calculation from 5.0 and 5.1 in SHOW STATUS, unless UNIV_DEBUG is specified. It probably scans all buffer page control blocks buf_block_t. For a big buffer pool, that may cause mil...
Query the LogicPool_MEMDB table for information whose key is 0, diskdomainId is 0, and flowTypeId is 0. admin:/diagnose>pmgr showmemDB -k 0 -t 4 -d 0 -f 0 Lpool Id: 0x0. Lpool Idx: 0. Lpool DmId: 0. Lpool DpId: 0. Lpool Name: DCL_META_POOL. Lpool Type: 1. L...