The castle can be built 3 ways. Toddlers get the choice of making one large model, a tall tower or 2 smaller castle builds. The set is full of features for imaginative play, such as a kitchen for cake-making and a dressing room with a buildable mirror toy. Also included are enchanting...
Opposite a university campus on the outskirts of Jakarta, motorbikes line the front of Ricky Salim’s ice-cream and tea store. One of thousands of Mixue franchise owners across Asia, Mr Salim says his business is so good he hopes to open more outlets this year. Mixue, a Chinese firm whic...
Smug Scout: So you’re telling me that I would have needed to know Chinese to know that this scallop dish has pork in it? 飄飄然 Server: Yes. Smug Scout was uncharacteristically speechless at that point, but then she had a grimly delayed epiphany: Sang Yoon, the chef, had obviously no...
《Cat Boba Tea: ASMR Live Master》的画风采用了带有浓郁甜美感觉的2D蜡笔画风,屏幕色彩效果偏向粉糯可爱,随处可见粉红、淡黄、暖白等可爱风的配色出现,就连角色也被二头身的超萌比例所打造,仿佛在为所有的小仙女们贴心定制心仪的礼物一般。 体验测评 从实际的体验来看,《Cat Boba Tea: ASMR Live Master》进入...
While on a trip to Oregon I tried Boba Tea at one of the famous food carts of Portland. I had been trying to find some place here on the Central Coast that had Boba drinks just as good and was quickly disappointed every where I went. Until I came...
As a Hong Kong-er, I of course want to support American Airlines’ service to Hong Kong, and despite paying for a more expensive D fare and no getting the upgrade to F, it is still a historical flight. The flight itself was mostly good but American definitely needs to step up its ...