日前,GMC官方在海外正式发布了旗下的2025 GMC Terrain车型,两驱版本起售价31395美元,四驱版本起售价33395美元,相比老款车型来讲,指导价提升了1300美元,原因是配置方面有所变动。 新车在外形方面并无变动,前脸采用的依然是家族化造型,大嘴式格栅内部使用了横幅式结构进行装饰,有着比较强的层次感;大灯组采用了熏黑处理,...
近日,GMC官方发布了全新一代GMC TERRAIN的官图,该车在北美市场是最受欢迎SUV之一,如今时隔六年终于迎来换代,它也是GMC品牌的入门级SUV。 外观方面,新车采用了最新的设计语言,黑色中网的造型很有视觉感,内部采用横条幅式镀铬饰件,中间悬挂着非常醒目的红标GMC。两侧前大灯造型很犀利,E字型的日行灯很有辨识...
2016款GMC Terrain 配备座椅记忆功能 +追 超清画质 1 收藏 下载 分享 选集 00:14 2019款 大众捷达 梦想版 1.5L 手动 时尚版 2019-01-19 00:16 2019款 大众捷达 梦想版 1.5L 手动 时尚版 2019-01-19 00:21 2019款 大众捷达 梦想版 1.5L 手动 时尚版 2019-01-19 00:36 2019款 大众捷达 梦想版 1.5...
Nightly at the Evening Show in GMC Stadium From the first note to the final firework, the 2024 Calgary Stampede Grandstand Show is an exhilarating ride through time. Journey back to when the biggest rock bands (and even bigger hair) took centre stage. This 80’s jukebox showcase has all ...
GMC — Terrain 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2011-04-20 19:34:08上线。视频内容简介:For this bevy of spots for GMC we once again teamed up with CG car aesthetes Sway Studio. This time our role was to design and animate the graphic elements that call out th
Almost perfect 1951 Mercury Sedan. already a show winner and crowd pleaser. Just get in turn the key and you can almost hear the purr of sweet running flathead. /p> then select the drive option and motor away. the envy of everyone in the area. This Me
GMC Terrain2018款图片:网通社汽车提供专业GMC Terrain2018款汽车图片大全,包含GMC Terrain2018款的外观、内饰、内部空间、行驶、创意图、图说、活动等汽车图片。