3. 追踪设备在网络中的位置(以下为锐捷命令,H3C相应自行转换) (1) 通过IP地址追踪MAC地址: show arp | include ip地址 (2) 通过mac地址追踪设备经过的端口: show mac-address-table | include mac地址 (3) 根据端口查看相邻设备地址,进入下一级设备: show lldp neighborsinterface端口号 detail (4) 根据查看...
show mac-address-table 要显示 MAC 地址表,请使用 show mac-address-table 命令。 show mac-address-table [ interface_name | count | static] Syntax Description count (可选)列出动态和静态条目的总数。 interface_name (可选)标识要查看其 MAC 地址表条目的接口名称。 static ...
Here are the commands to show the mac address table on a MikroTik Router. In addition to using the command line to show the mac address table, this tutorial I will also show you how to search for a specific MAC address and filter the table to show mac addresses learned through a specifi...
Type of interface (see the table below for the interface types that may be shown). ip Specifies an IP address. ip-address IP address of the client device. mac Specifies a MAC address. mac-address The 48-bit address of the client device. posturetoken Displays information about a po...
#show mac address-table Aging time is 300 sec Vlan Mac Address Port Type --- --- --- --- 1 00:04:20:06:a0:82 gi4 dynamic 1 00:04:f2:ef:69:f3 gi10 dynamic 1 00:0c:29:98:3d:22 gi10 dynamic 1 00:0c:29:9e:0d:0d gi10 dynamic 1 00:0c:29:c6:5f:13 gi...
Find IP Address by MAC Address Find item in zip file without extracting find most current file from today and yesterday Find multiple strings in text files powershell Find oldest file created on a given date. Find out what primary dns server is being used by powershell in the domain? Find...
Respect include.* directives in config files when looking up values. Defaults to off when a specific file is given (e.g., using --file, --global, etc) and on when searching all config files. --default <value> When using get, and the requested variable is not found, behave as if ...
It is unrealistic for GitLab CI to natively support every such build result. What is a "build result"? Examples might include code coverage results, test results, output from static analysis tools, generated logs, pages with shortcut links, and more that provide context to contributors about ...
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IP Address MAC address time stamp type The third section of the show arp command shows general ARP table information. Example Copy ORACLE# show arp show backup-config Syntax Copy show backup-config <config-file> Arguments <config-file> Enter the name of the saved configuration file ...